Sunday 1 January 2006

Goodbye 2005...Hello 2006...

You know, it had never occured to me to write a retrospective about my 2005 - not until I saw various other people put something in their blogs. I have seen a few different formats; from covering each month of 2005 - which personally, I have no idea whether I could remember each month! I guess I could try. Let's see...

We had just come back from two weeks leave over Christmas. I had spent Christmas with my mum and was flush with money, thanks to my new whizz-bang job. However, as soon as I arrived back to work, it became quite busy. I spent a whole week in Canberra, away from Glen and my normal life.

Work was still hellish busy. We were starting to work nights and I was getting home at 3am on average, once/twice a month. During this time, we had to move from our townhouse to the current rental house. It was a very positive move for us, because the new agent was happy to have our cats. The old place didn't know they existed and with the threat of renovation and potential uncovering of our pussy-cats, we had to leave. (Ed's note: The townhouse is yet to be renovated! Go figure!)

We, well I made a decision to get a labrador! I desperately wanted a dog, so we did some research and discovered a breeder in an inner suburb of Melbourne. We waited, we visited. Glen also celebrated his birthday in March and we sold both of our cars within the space of a week. We were carless, but with motorbikes. Incidentally, I was ramping up at work, working long hours for a week at a time. It was starting to wear me out and my manager and I were not seeing eye to eye.

It came and went in a blur. We were still stalking labrador puppies and were close to picking one. The lady was a total ditz and you could tell she was in it purely for the money. Work was getting worse and at points, my manager was flipping out at me for no reason, except that she was unreasonable and disorganised.

We picked up Clio from the stupid breeder, vowing never to deal with ehr again. Having said that, we have an adorable black labrador whom we'd never give up. May 13 - a Friday, I tore 2 of my 3 ligaments in my ankle and it would be months (even now) until it would heal. It was also this day that I picked Diana up from the airport. We hadn't seen each other in over 10 years. It was surreal and felt like home. It was like we were never apart. End of that month, we purchased our new car. Towards the end of this month, work was becoming intolerable and I was already setting up interviews to find a way out. My manager went into meltdown and into a screaming fit at me for something which wasn't my fault. Thankfully, she did it in front of my colleague, who finally understood what I was crapping on about. I started to get depressed and sick.

Not much happened. New car, new dog, looking for a new job consumed. Working until 5am on a Monday morning after working an entire weekend, putting up with my manager's shit. I stopped putting effort into my job end of this month. I was also in the midst of interviews for a job which offered less stress, less hours and less money. I was desperate to get out, close to calling it quits, but knowing I couldn't. I was lucky to have organised two weeks off during this month and was able to schedule some of these interviews.

I told my shit, bitch manager to stick her job - I was diplomatic and nice about it. I gave 2 weeks notice and was out of there end of July. I was thrilled. Life felt like it was getting better. I had another week off in between jobs. Incidentally, I had lasted just 9 months in this ridiculous job. I wasn't proud of myself for making such a bad career move. I should have listed to my instincts.

I started my new job and never looked back. August was also the month that Glen and I realised how close we were to not reaching our goal to move out of this house to a house we own. We start searching for a house. It is depressing, but we're serious. We are told to wait until I have secured three months employment in my current employment.

Not much happens. Job is becoming busier, but I am enjoying it.

Itching to be done with my three month probation. Saving like a mad fool, living off the smell of an oily rag. Work gets busier and I am enjoying it.

FINALLY! I get a glowing report for my three month probation. That weekend, we apply for our loan, we get confirmation. We go out house hunting and end of November, I think, we sign a contract on a house which we both love. It's not the taj mahal, but we can see potential in it. We get it for a bit of a bargain, so we're happy.

Work starts to quieten down. We are busily organising our home loan stuff, speaking to building inspectors and conveyancers and generally dreaming about our house :) Clio is also desexed, after months and many vets telling us she has to have a season, due to a disfunctional 'girl' bit! *laugh* We see another vet, who is recommended by a friend and he gives us that measure of comfort we've been looking for. Work stuff is interesting. A colleague recommends me for another position within the organisation and I submit my application. My current manager is flabbergasted and I am concerned. I feel like I am letting her down. BUt she supports me and I pursue the position. so far, I've had two interviews and am scheduled for a third in the early new year. In other news, our organisation offers all sorts of wonderful thigns to its employees, including three paid days off at Christmas, a christmas ham, an $80 gift voucher for Myers, movie tickets and an all-expenses paid Christmas lunch. Oh yeh, my friend Margie and her partner, Dennis moved to Stockholm for two years.

If I remember more, I'll add it to the entry, but this is pretty good for my swiss cheese memory.

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