Monday 23 January 2006

It's the final countdown...

Di-da-doo-doo! It's the final countdown.

See the counter up there? 1 month, 1 day!

I booked my holidays for moving leave today! Yay. I have also booked my mother's bus ticket for 16th March for 10 days - this is more than normal. So, we're either going to have a great time, or I'm going to want to send her home early!!

After discussions today, Glen and I realised that the tenants will be moving out shortly. Their final day is to be 17 February, so at the most, we have 2 weeks to wait. So, come Thursday - our national holiday of national pride and all that guff, we'll be driving past the house to see if there are any developments.

Anyway, enough house talk. I'm sure you're all sick of me ranting about it. But hey, we'll only get one opportunity to rant about our new first home. After that, any house purchase will be old hat!

I'm off to read and then head to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Sam,
I've lost your email address, can you send a quick email to me - mail at battybaby dot com
