Friday 30 September 2005


I think I am having a mental breakdown of some kind, but here goes and good luck finding out when the next post will be after this.

Somehow, I seem to have offended a few people this week. Maybe I should shut my trap or something, yeh that's it. Offering advice has always been my strong point, so it kinda bites, but I'll get over it. Trust me, don't ask for my advice, I'll be honest.

Secondly, I'm fucken pissed at my vet. He asked us to come in when Clio was 6 months old, because he wanted to check her and I thought, he wanted to see if he could do something. So, I took her in today and when he carried on like I was the paranoid mother or something, I asked him why he bothered to tell us to bring her in at 6months, if he knew we'd have to wait until she came into season?! You know what he said? "Oh, did I? Oh, well there's no reason, you have to be patient, go home and stop thinking about it and come back when she is ready".

I've got news for him, I aint coming back. Every time I go in there, he treats me like I'm a bloody psychotic, paranoid woman or something. Because I fucken enjoy paying $190 for the consultation and the enjoyment of being told Whoops! Fuck you Mr Vet. You've just lucked out on an entire lifetime of two cats and 1 dog vet bills.

And if I have to listen to a friend whinge and moan and carry on about the world and how it's all negative and shit, I'm going to lose it. Doesn't she realise that people get tired of being around her when she is always negative? And for seconds, I wish she would fucken stop being such a freeloader and offer to pay for things, like the trailer we're renting this weekend to pick up furniture for us and for her to bring it back to our place to store until she has space for it! She is whinging because I asked for her to bring her car to save us making two trips and therefore wasting fuel. She's become tighter than a fish's arse. I'm over it. I'm sick of being the bank. When we go out to shop etc, we ALWAYS take our car, she never offers to take hers.

Fuck it. I'm over and yeh sorry, I dont want any placations. Seriously, I'll be fine, so spare me right now, because it probably wont help and please dont take that personally, because heaven forbid I offend someone else by telling them to leave me alone. No honestly, I don't want any emails about this, ok? Thanks.


Thursday 29 September 2005


In my former life, I was a journalist. I got to meet lots of lovely people. I used to work in Coona, so this killed me to read this today. When I heard yesterday about the plane going missing, I had a bad feeling I would know these people.

I interviewed this man for some stories. I knew him to be such a lovely, caring man. I had bosses who were bastards and funnily enough, one of those bastard bosses is quoted in this article. However, that is all in the past for me, so I don't feel much about that part - I feel a lot more about David and Jill. David and Jill were always nice to me even when others weren't.

New photos...

Don't have much to say tonight, I guess I'm bit tired or something. I've had a bit of a full on day, so instead of speaking, I direct to you the right of this post - my flickr page - I have added a few new photos, including some new pictures of me with my new haircut.

Let me just say, I'm not entirely sure about the cut. On one hand, it sets me up to grow my hair long, which is what I want. But, it doesnt have the same style the last cut had, so go figure. I'm sure I could style it that way though. The best part about this new hairdresser is they are around the corner from my house and the fact that I got a cut and colour with wash and style for $69!! Other places about 2 minutes up the road are charging about $150 for the same service. Trust me, if you get good service, it doesn't matter after that.

Now, I finish, relax and collapse. Seriously, I'm tired. Haven't been sleeping well. Thank god it's Friday tomorrow.

Wednesday 28 September 2005

Terribly unoriginal...

I pinched this from Mark's page. Copying is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Or something like that. In any case, I dig these kind of 'getting to know you' posts, so here goes.

10 years ago - 1995 - At Uni, second year of my fArts degree. Living in college. Loving life, I guess. Really felt like I had direction and was going to be this whizz bang journalist. I had a lot of dreams for myself. I was still shy and quiet, and very unsure of myself.

5 years ago - 2000- Working in Queer Undies. Probably the first journo job for me where I felt comfortable, but I was still lonely. I was starting to get itchy feet and there was this boy named Glen in Melbourne who was great to talk to via internet - never spoken to him on the phone or met him though. Wasn't interested in him and was trying to set him up with a friend of mine. Hrm, yeh it didn't work, huh!! :)

1 year ago - Was very discontent with my job at the recruitment company. Had a fabulous boss and one great colleague in Brisbane, but had inherited a new colleague who I couldn't work with. At this point, if we're talking end of September, I had tried for about two months to try and understand her and give her the benefit of the doubt. Was also pissed that my boss didn't seem to notice the rift forming. Started seriously considering moving jobs.

Yesterday - Working hard at work, feeling on top of things. Was feeling a bit wheezy, like back in June when I apparently had Whooping Cough or some nonsense. Took Clio for her walkies and went to bed feeling a bit spun out from overdosing on the Brycanol, or whatever it is.

Tomorrow - Hopefully won't wake up with a headache, like I did this morning. Tomorrow, i have two meetings and get to leave a little early to go get my hair cut and coloured. Yay. Hopefully some pampering, as it's my belief that all hairdressers should pamper, and not just cut and colour.

5 snacks I enjoy - Tim Tams, Gaiety, Connaseuirs Cherry Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Cake and to be politically incorrect, because back when I was a kid, it was called Golliwog Hedgehog! YUM!

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs
- Ben Lee (not really a band), Bon Jovi, Van Morrison (maybe), Tori Amos (thank Uni black depressive phase). That'll do.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000 - Give parts of it to my family and those close to me. Invest some. Buy a nice house and a nice holiday. However, ensure that my future meant I didn't have to work another paid day in my life!

5 locations I'd like to run away to - Italy (Positano for Margaret), France, Canada, Colorado (Grand Canyon) and Greece.

5 bad habits I have
- Biting fingers (nails and all), tensing up when concentrating thus giving myself a head/neck ache, biting my lip until it ulcerates, lack of motivation, being sensitive and jumping feet first.

5 things I like doing
- Sleeping, reading, watching tv/movies, photography and watching storms.

5 TV shows I like(d) - House, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, 4400 and Iron Chef.

5 movies I like - Grosse Point Blank, Say Anything, Anne of Green Gables, The Truth About Cats and Dogs and Office Space.

5 famous people I would like to meet - John Cusack, Julia Roberts, Dalai Lama, Drew Barrymore and I'm going to come back to this one, because it's important.

5 biggest joys at the moment
- Being with Glen, my dog Clio and the way my cats purr and smooch all over me in the mornings or when they want food, my freedom after work, getting a haircut tomorrow and the thunderstorm occurring outside my house right now.

5 favorite toys - My ipod, my palm pilot, my Canon camera, Honey Bear (my childhood bear) and my scanner (this one's pretty lame).

Tuesday 27 September 2005

Living in the past...

The other night I had a crazy, confusing and a little upsetting dream.

I need to protect the innocent here; well, I need to protect myself - that is my first priority.

The dream relates to my high school life and there's no real conclusion I can draw from this dream, as it doesn't really relate to my life right now.

Anyway, here goes. We were in church. I remember the church being the Catholic Church I basically grew up in, attending etc. It was the church near my school at the time. However, oddly the church was facing the opposite direction to what it is in reality. When you walked into the front doors, the pews were facing that door - in real life, the pews face away from the door. Nothing huge, but a change for my dream.

Ok, so I was on one side of the church and there were a whole bunch of people on the other side. On my side, my mother sat, but not beside me. And in my dream, Glen was there - sort of, except he was kinda represented by someone from my past, who was a guy I liked whilst in high school. I'll call him S. Anyway, I couldn't understand why my partner, who was S in the dream, was sitting on the other side of the church with a whole heap of other people. It hurt me and I couldn't fathom why he wouldn't want to be with me. I think I had equated my real life with this relationship, as Glen would always want to be with me, not with other people.

Anyway, on the other side of the church were two influential people from my church when I was a teenager. These people had become married to each other during the period of my time in the church. They were avid Christians and to us at the time, we worshipped and envied them. Some of us wanted to be like them, or at least be accepted by them. Anyway, I will call them K&G. I don't know why they were in the dream. I do know that other high school friends were there, including a friend I was friends with, but wasn't overly close to. I shall refer to her as B. She was close friends with D - but D wasn't in the dream, I don't think. I don't even think KG was there - another Christian friend. There was a 'mass' of heads on that side of the church and I knew that K&G were in that mass.

Yeh, I know, I am not making that much sense. But that time in my life was a bit emotional and uncertain. My life has become comfortable and certain. I have stability in my relationship and in my life in general and to have this dream, I woke up feeling very unsure of myself. I didn't like visiting my teenage life in my dreams, against my wishes, so to speak!

I've probably wasted 10 precious minutes of your time. I'm sorry. It was just something I needed to document for myself. Substituting S for Glen in my dream was a bit surreal and made me really unhappy. But in my dream, S was Glen and it never occurred to me that S wasn't Glen and wasn't meant to be Glen! Argh, it's doing my head in!

Monday 26 September 2005

Feels just like I'm walking on broken glass..

Annie Lennox really nailed it, didn't she? It feels like I'm walking on broken glass. Walking on broken glass!


I came home today, thinking I would walk my dog. Came up the drive way on the scooter and crunch! I ran over glass. It was weird. Got off the bike and realised that Clio had found a box with old drinking glasses wrapped in newspaper. Not amused. Looked over to her bed and saw a complete glass in her bed. The little bugger! So, I cleaned up the glass and that was enough to give me a headache. I started wondering whether she had swallowed any, so I checked her over and it appears she is ok, though you can't be certain.

Anyway, I got it all cleaned up. I went inside and did a few things. Next thing, my friend came over with her dogs. They had been driving her nuts too, so she had brought them over to give them a nice outing. So, Clio and the dogs, as usual rough-housed and ran around like fools. Clio has a tendency to harass and harass them until they want to kill her. So, my friend and I went inside, because they tend to carry on less. Well, next thing I see is Clio barrelling around. And if anyone knows how puppies run around, they usually move with their arse first. It's like a big sweeping motion, arse first, head and shoulders kinda follow. Clio swings her big labrador arse around near the back door and CRACK. One of the glass panels in the back door developed a huge hellish crack in it and I about lost my noodle!

Ok, so now the window has heaps of sticky tape keeping it together and a piece of wood covering it with two large pot plants guarding it. I am greatly unimpressed with my big arsed hound. But the key is the theme - it's Glass Day! And it's only Monday. I wonder if tomorrow is Fence Day, and maybe Wednesday will be Plant Day!

Seriously, this dog has ensured our backyard is sparse and that everything is stored in the workshop out the back. I could kill her. I would like to hang her. I didn't mention that last week, our new Fibretek lead which we bought from dog training a while ago, was chewed up beyond use. Today, she got another hold of it and today, it's in two pieces.

Now, I must log off. I must relax and not think about the broken window out the back and the fact that my dog is el destructo.

Sunday 25 September 2005

Square One...

I know some people are hanging to hear what happened yesterday, so here goes.

We made our offer at the agents and that was both a learning and stressful experience. So much to think about and so many dates to consider. But, we got through it and were told the offer would be made to the vendor this afternoon at 4pm.

We went back to look at the house later in the day and discovered the following:
  • A bedroom which had a considerable slope to it - last week, we didn't get that far into the room, as I recall there were some things, like bikes in the way etc.
  • The new driveway was lovely, except for one fact, you couldn't get the garage doors open, because the driveway was too high for the doors to open over?!
  • Three quarters of the fence around the house would need to be replaced - that's going to be a huge cost to us
  • There was a neighbours dog, I suspect a rottweiler who continually barked and barked at us the entire time we were in the back yard and at one point, we wondered if he would bust through the hole in the fence!

There were other small things, but they are the major ones, so I suspect once Glen gets home later today and we have a chat about what to do, we'll be calling the agent and withdrawing our offer. We went in at our lowest offer and we thought that even that amount was too much for that house.

There will be other houses and to be honest, I'm not that worried. Yesterday when I was inspecting for the second time, I had a huge compulsion to get out of there - I was angry that I had made an offer on a place that wasn't worth it.

And then to top it off, the agent approached us whilst in the house and tried to tell us there was another offer being made on it on Monday! I told him that was fine, they could do that and we had submitted our only offer. We walked out.

We've decided a number of things. We're going to hold off house hunting until the following occurs:
  • We have enough for the deposit - currently, we have enough, but at December/January, we will have a lot more!
  • I finish probation in my new job - banks get edgy apparently when you are on probation and dont want to lend you anything!

Also, if we find that we're without a house to live in, we have a friend who has offered to let us stay for a few months, if need be. And if she can, her parents have a house renting around the corner which they might be able to rent to us for a short time.

So, we'll cope at this point. I'm glad it's not going ahead. House buying is stressful and you have to be on your toes a lot.

Now, I am going to finish my breakfast and take my dog to dog training, so she can socialise and be a happy free love puppy :)

Friday 23 September 2005

Monday 19 September 2005

The plot thickens...

Firstly, I want to say thanks to Verbsy and Peeps Sheep for being so nice and offering their support. There were a few others who were so supportive and encouraging about last night's post, it was sweet.

Secondly, I just wanted to say that Glen and I put an offer in on the house this afternoon, so fingers crossed. We have to go into the real estate agents' office on Saturday morning to sign off the offer form. So, we'll see. I reckon the vendor will at least consider the offer, and maybe counter offer.

Anyway, I'm happy now and if it doesn't happen, then I know I've done everything I could have. I'm not one of those people who likes to be told that I can't do something and although I wallowed in pity over the weekend, I am good now. I spent today hagglign with some loan guys and then talking to our broker friend, so we're going in the right direction again. For it, I think I have earned some new respect from a few people.

Ok. So, I have dropped some photos on flicker. I might only keep them temporarily, as there aren't mine - they are someone else's house. But it gives you an idea why I have been whingeing the last few days.

Sunday 18 September 2005

Bitter pills

There have been many ups and downs this weekend for me. I'm just suffering here a bit, I think. I have a tendency to get my hopes up, to get emotionally involved in the things I love, the things I want.

Glen and I have been house hunting. We basically got the go ahead last week from our friend to start looking at houses. He said we wouldn't be ready for a while - maybe 4-6 weeks he said. But he said we could look around and just get a feel for it. So, we did. We have narrowed down our search to about 3-4 suburbs. So, we have been concentrating on these suburbs and mostly, we like what we see.

We saw a house on Saturday - it was the first one we saw that day and I am ashamed to admit, I fell in love with it. It was an awesome little 3 bedroom weatherboard, obviously well maintained, someone loved it. The kitchen had been renovated, with lovely blue marbled tiles which spread out into the dining room. The spare toilet/bathroom had a funky clear glass sink - it rocked! It had a lovely deck out the back and huge big yard :) I hassled Glen all day. I kept bringing it up, we saw other places, but I was comparing them to the first one. I am just hopeless.

So, Glen finally caved. We called our friend. He said go for it, he gave us tips etc. I felt positive about it. Until we sat down and I realised one fucken huge big brick wall - I have only been in my job for 6 weeks. I am told that banks won't loan money to anyone who hasn't been in their current job for less than 3 months. So, we have another 6 weeks to wait and this means the house which was severely knocked down in price, will be gone. :( I'm so heartbroken.

I could totally see us living there. I knew when I walked in, that I could live there. It was how I wanted my house to be and I can't have it. The only thing we can do is sit and wait, maybe hope that the house is still there - which I severely doubt. Plus, who wants to sit and hope? That's too much for me now. In fact, Glen and I are laying off looking at houses until closer to my 3 month mark at work.

I'm so pissed off right now. Words can't describe it. Yeh, I know there'll be other houses, but if you know me, you know that I don't shop around and if I do, I usually end back at the place I started at. That's me, I go with my gut and I never regret such decisions. Going with my gut got me to Melbourne, it got me with Glen and it got us to where we are now, because I knew it was right and I could feel it. I hate waiting, I hate treading water when I know my mind is already made up. It's just so frustrating and friggin' annoying.

So, now the next 6 weeks will drag by, I bet you. And you know the crap part that I still haven't worked out? Is it another 6 weeks, or is it dead on 3 months - like I worked out 12 weeks to be 31 October, but technically 3 months is 8 November. So, which one is it? It's all stupendously crappy.

Wednesday 14 September 2005

Release the hounds Smithers...

For the record. I'm a moron. An ignorant moron who should shut her trap when she's in a crap mood.

Ok. It appears that I have spoken without much foundation about the Ethanol debate, despite viewing a few websites which discussed Ethanol. So, please forgive me ok? I promise not to blog when I am in a crappy mood, or when I am not feeling well.

This is all I have to say, as I am still not feeling well and probably in a slightly crappy mood.

Tuesday 13 September 2005

The fuel debate continues...

It would appear my previous post on fuel and boycotting the fuel companies has raised some thought amongst the readers. I would like to comment.

One reader raised their concern that what difference would it make to not purchase fuel one day as opposed to the day before, or the day after. The difference is a moral message, rather than a monetary impact. Yeh, sure it would be nice to see the fuel companies lose some money, but more than anything, I'm all about power to the people. Right now, I feel pretty bloody helpless when it comes to fuel and purchasing it. So, forgive me if a united voice doesnt raise some inspiration in me.

Another reader decided to respond anonymously. You all know how much it gets my goat to see people comment on my diary anonymously. It shits me in fact. For love of chocolate people, please just give me a name. Would it kill you?

Anyway, this reader, whom I am left with no choice but to call Anon, decided that we should all use Ethanol. It is the revolutionary fuel of the future apparently. Except for one major concern - where the fuck do you buy it from? It's a fabulous idea and I would say a lot of people would be all for it, except that it's not massed produced anywhere and your car has to be tailored to run on ethanol (it's an expensive operation to transfer your car over to it) - this is my research. Besides, Ethanol would probably be more expensive, given that it isn't mass produced! I recognise the economic impacts on farmers and being a country girl, I support it hugely. I also support the environmental impacts it leads to, but again it's out of my / our control. I can't control the legislation that the government has in place, or that the fuel companies command the market and its direction. So, fabulous idea Anon, but honestly, it's probably not a realistic option. It has been fixed so that we rely on petroleum, and maybe it's the cynic in me, but something tells me that ethanol isn't going to be saturating the Australian market any time soon. Again, this leads me back to the reason why I am supporting the No Fuel Day - currently, we are individuals suffering under the current fuel regime, but boycotting fuel that day unites us as one voice. It sends a message. It's a protest, right? Protests probably don't move mountains, but it voices an opinion.

Honestly, I see your points, but I refute them given the circumstances.

Now that I have ranted, I must now go relax and wait for the backlash from my comments.

Pay It Forward...

Novel concept, you might say but honestly, the premise behind it is pretty realistic. I remember seeing that movie for the first time thinking, “Oh great, another crusty Helen Hunt movie (she never did as well as she did in Girls Just Want to Have Fun) with Hayley Joel Osment and Kevin Spacey – the only decent actor in the movie!” But I watched it and I enjoyed it – mind you, I haven’t even seen it recently, so why am I thinking of it?

Good question. Today I was thinking about how emotionally guarded we all are. How society and events have altered our trust in people and therefore, our faith in humanity. You see, someone has offered us some furniture they don’t want anymore. For the pure reason that they have bought new furniture and don’t want to see the old furniture go to waste at the rubbish tip.

So, I was thinking how perfectly good this furniture is and how much Glen and I will appreciate it – it’s in good condition and just needs a makeover. I’m big on the DIY anyway! It occurred to me that I should thank these people. The trouble is, I don’t know them at all well – they are the parents of a friend. My friend is taking one or two pieces of furniture and the rest has been left to us. This amounts to 2 sets of bedside tables, 3 drawer sets and a bureau with huge fancy mirror. This stuff is a horrid colour of brown, but is in great condition. So, we’re going to sand it all down and repaint it. Simple.

My point is though, as soon as I thought about thanking them, I started pondering how I would do such a thing until I came up with, “I’m too scared and it’s not in my nature to be so outwardly appreciative and really, they don’t want it anyway, so they probably don’t want thanks!”. That’s where my thought processes led me.

You see, I realised that I had stopped being thankful for people around me, for what I have and what I will have. I am not a huge believer in making a big deal out of things, it draws attention to me and I felt awkward. I’ve always felt awkward expressing my feelings, especially to people I don’t know. I take time warming up to people, there are barriers all around me and it’s hard to get to know me. In fact, people use to and probably still do say that I look miserable and sad, when in fact, I am quite fine. I just hide my feelings.

I started thinking about when I started to hide my feelings, to reserve myself so much that to say a simple thank you with a card or gift became such a ‘no-go’ zone. And then I realised we’re all guilty of it and we’re getting worse. It leads me to believe that it stems from our continued mistrust or lack of faith in people. We are becoming more and more cynical, we see the worst in people, we view others we don’t know with scepticism and doubt. We are suspicious and therefore, we confine ourselves into a small world where no one else can get in. We isolate ourselves physically and emotionally and most of us haven’t realised it yet.

For me, it started long ago. It was born from a huge sense of loss. I have suffered a fair amount of loss for someone of my age – well, when I was a child, it was a huge amount of loss. I lost a father before I had one, I lost a sister and to an extent, I lost a mother who became emotionally isolated from me. She was unattainable and unavailable in many ways. She tried, I am sure, but I have suffered that emotional disconnection and I continue to retain parts of it now. You see, we learn as children from our parents – of course we do. What’s that old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do”. But we learn both – we learn from being told and we learn from example, from seeing it.

So, when did it start with the rest of the world? Sure, we all have our personal stories like mine, but has anyone else noticed it has become increasingly obvious in the last 3-4 years? I have. People are becoming more secretive, suspicious and cynical. We are hiding ourselves from hurt, assuming the worst of others. We are forgetting to treat each other with kindness.

How many times have I seen someone fire abuse at another for mistakenly cutting them off in traffic, or walking on front of them in the grocery store and not apologising? I’m guilty of it, I admit it. I have realised that I feel more free now to speak in such a manner to other people without fear of retribution, because on some level, I feel like it’s my basic right, that I have that anonymity offered by a big city environment. How many times have we seen a wallet on the ground and tucked it into our bag without consideration that someone misses it? Or that we don’t speak up when we see someone being mistreated?

I’m guilty of all of it and on some level I am ashamed. But then I think, “hang on! Everyone else is doing it! If I don’t protect myself, who else will?” and I think I am justified in thinking that.
On some level, I think it has a lot to do, or has been heightened by the terrorist activities taking place in the world. It’s all over the media, it’s everywhere.

I had a recent conversation with a friend about the plans I had should a terrorist attack occur in Melbourne. Then I thought about the people I would want to see saved and I thought “to hell with the rest of them!” It’s pretty selfish, right? Yeh, I know. But we’re all planning in the back of our minds, “What would I do, how would I get home, would I get out alive?” We’re all thinking it. Plus, it doesn’t help that the media is saturated with it. They are scare mongering and sometimes you need to take a big step back and reprocess what it all means, otherwise you get so tangled up in the mess, you start to live you life like there is no tomorrow.

So it leads me back to my original concern – why are we so hesitant to display kindness to others, to say thank you or to just be nice to each other? I can see exactly why, having thought about it more, but wouldn’t it be nice if just one of us started being nice to everyone they met; maybe the rest of us would find it contagious and pay it forward?

It’s a pretty naïve thought, right?

Monday 12 September 2005

Calling all civic minded people...

I've had enough of the rising fuel prices. Truly, it's become a real issue and as I am out on the road in my car or on my scooter, I notice it - there are just less cars out there. People are avoiding their cars. So, I have taken onboard someone else's idea.

Boycott fuel stations on September 22.

It's that simple. I was watching TV tonight and one current affair show, which I won't name, because I don't want unwanted attention basically publicised it. They said that the fuel companies would lose about $4billion on that day. That's a lot of money folks.

So, that's what I am doing that day. And you know, it doesn't take much to boycott them. Buy your fuel the day before, or the day after, but send them a message that says we're united and we are pissed.

Now resuming normal programming...

Monday 5 September 2005

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink
Pretty in Pink,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
This is what I got up to today :)

I am hit and miss with my photography right now.

Today was a definite hit.
Let me know what you think, any comments and criticisms would be appreciated :)

Sunday 4 September 2005

Frank and incensed...

I swear, what is it with the world? How many times have I logged onto a blog I've read regularly, only to see they have quit their blogging world because their real worlds have become too difficult, or something like that. I'm incensed, honestly. I know I have no right to judge and I'm trying not to, but blogging for me is exactly the opposite. You see, I started blogging about 5 years ago to relieve myself of all the crap and stress I was going through. It was an outlet, a place to air my thoughts and just be me. It was about me free-thinking, verbalising the things that I didn't know I was thinking. I never considered for a minute in the early days that anyone was reading my diary. It was for me, I was anonymous and I could be myself.

So, why are people dropping like flies, letting their real worlds get in the way of their diaries - let's face it, this is what places like blogger are for - they are diaries. I just dont get it. I don't think I've ever considered letting my real world dictate my diary. I do rememebr about 18 months, maybe longer than that, some girl who I had never met, decided to ridicule me and accuse me of disparaging people, writing about others who she figured didn't want to be the subject of my diary - becdause you see, she knew these people - not!! What got her hackles up was that I had written some comments about a town I had previously lived in. I didn't beleive, and don't believe now that I had written anything negative about these places. It was my opinion of the place. However, she decided it warranted an attack email.

Anyway, my point is, I told her to bugger off. I said my piece and then I ignored her emails - rather, I blocked them. She'd had her say and that was it. I had given her her five minutes and my opinion was of it was that if she wanted to pursue it, she could open up her own diary and express her comments.

Ok, I've said my piece. So, people don't stop blogging, because the only people you are hurting are yourselves and you are giving in to those who wanted you to stop, or didn't like what they read.

As for my weekend, we began house hunting. Rather, we looked at suburbs to see which ones we could afford. It was kinda fun.

Friday 2 September 2005

5 Questions for Sam...

Peep's Sheep has offered me the following challenge - answer five questions and then offer up the same courtesy to my blog readers. So here goes!

1. You can only have one for the rest of eternity. Sugar or Caffeine?

That's such an unfair question! You know my weakness!! ARGH! Caffeine, in the form of Coca Cola is my life raft! I don't drink coffee, so if I want a pick me up, that's it. ARGH!@ But sugar, like chocolate is my friend! I guess I would have to say Caffeine, though I am concerned that some chocolate has caffeine in it and also sugar, so what happens then?? No wait, maybe I should have chocolate, because there are other fizzy drinks I could drink!! Hrm! See, it's a dilemma!

2. Your mum needs you. Would you move back home? It might be for a long time.

I have often thought about this. My answer is probably going to shock, but simply put, I wouldnt move home. My mother would agree with this, but I would bring her to my home and take care of her there. It would be more comfortable for all and we would be better equipped to take care of her. Besides, my mother's strict instructions are to leave her at home, don't put her in "that bloody Fair*view nursing home!" and bury her in a potato sack! *laugh*

3. Kay contacts you. What say you?

Hrm. Kay contacts me. The real question is, why would Kay contact me?! If she contacted me, and she hadn't changed, she would probably be delusional about who I was, and what her expectations were. Basically, I probably would listen to her and wait for that moment when I knew for certain that there was definitely a reason why we don't speak. You see, she wouldn't have changed and I have changed and we would not get along. So, like everyone, she gets the benefit of doubt, I'll listen to what she has to say and then I'd probably thank her for getting in touch with me and we would part ways.

But let's face it, she won't contact me, because people like her and people like me don't mix. Yeh?

4. Surgery to change your most troublesome physical aspect (not your eyes, but some other part of you that you may wish to change or fix) becomes an option, but someone you don't know and will never know has to die. Do you go ahead?

If it's only a troublesome physical aspect and it wasn't debilitating or constituted a disability, I wouldn't have the surgery. Say my eyes, I've lived with short sightedness since I was 6 - that's 23 years ago. I have lived with it, I can continue to live with it, so I wouldn't take someone else's eyes!

5. You are at a party with Bert Newton. You've been told not to mention his head to ANYONE, not even the wait staff. Can you control yourself?

Yep, I can do that. Easy question. Old Bert Newton is a legend. I've seen worse faces and heads, so it shouldn't be an issue! I might linger for a longer view, as he is known as 'old Moon face', but I probably wouldn't be game to say anything, because why would I? That's kinda rude, dontcha think??

Ok everyone. Maybe my answers are a bit boring, oh well!! If you want me to make up a batch for you, please let me know by commenting. The rules are fairly simple. You must answer all questions truthfully, publish them on your blog and do as I have done - invite others to join in.

It's easy and thought provoking and I sound like a tv voice over!!!

Time for some more breakfast and then time for work!!