Friday 23 December 2005

Quick update...

It's on its way to 36 degrees here today, but thankfully I get to spend the majority of it inside.

Yesterday, I had my second interview for the job. It was the first interview with the organisation (the first was with the recruitment company). Anyway, I kinda felt like I babbled and carried on a bit. I kinda thought that some of the things I said rambled on a lot. But then we spent a lot of time talking about the politics of the organisation. So, who knows. Anyway, I got a phone call today. I have been offered a second interview when we return in January to work! Woo! I was a little shocked, but rather pleased. I'm still having mixed emotions about it. I love the team I work with now but the opportunity is really difficult to say no to. Anyway, I have all of Christmas to get used to it. Right? right...

Ok. The dog is inside with me, because it's starting to get ridiculous outside and the poor pet is black, so feels it more. I've closed the shutters on the front windows to keep the sun out. Now, I sit and wait.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone.

Btw, why is it, EVERY year, they play Chevy Chases' National Lampoon Christmas Vacation? Honestly. They'll still be playing it when the guy is dead!

Thursday 22 December 2005


Because I have nothing of real value to post on this blog and because I feel blah, I've copied Mark's blog and taken this evil quiz. I'm particularly amused by my Pride. Hrm.

Btw, sorry for the lack of posts. I just can't be fucked at this point. Interview was today. I think it went ok, but who knows. It's always a bit nerve racking, but then I've never really interviewed for a job within the same organisation.

Envy:Very Low
Pride:Very Low

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Saturday 17 December 2005

Plead the 5th...

Blergh. Ok, firstly sorry for the silence. It's just getting a bit crazy here with all the Christmasy things happening, the busyiness of work etc. So, secondly sorry to anyone who is waiting for my Christmas card to arrive. I just didn't get the chance. Really sorry :( I'm making it up to you guys.

My reasons a kind of silly. A combination of really sore wisdom teeth, a dental appointment which went ary, work peaking on Wednesday and then many functions at work etc.

To top it all off, my dream job came up in another department at work, and I have been experiencing hert palpatations, wondering how I was going to break the news to my boss that I might be possibly interested in putting my hand up. Can anyone say, "Barely through my 3 month probation"? Hrm. So, the conversation went ok, my boss is a little upset and possibly annoyed at me, but I took the plunge regardless and sent my application in. You see, I didn't go looking for this job. I was happy to sit where I was. I was looking forward to the challenges of next year. However, a colleague approached me and asked if I would be interested. It's a field I wasn't able to get into before because no one would take me. You see, many didn't see my skills as easily transferable. This person does and convinced me to give it a go. We'll see. It's not like I am losing my sleep over it. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I might cry if I get it, for I will be leaving a fantastic team of people.

Anyway. I'm really sorry for being quiet, but I suspect that the time until Christmas will be a bit crazy for me. I'm so looking forward to my days off. Bring on Christmas!

PS: My dental appointment was extremely annoying. Picture a dentist who has a thick swedish accent, barely audible in normal circumstances and ridiculous behind a mask. The dental nurse was translating for me and all I knew at the end of the torture was that "You had 3 holes in your teeth. You got good teeth!". Hrm. Turns out he'd drilled a huge gap in one of my molers, so it's likely that if I bite into something hard on that tooth, the thin piece created will snap off. Hrm. I'm just hoping that I'm overreacting and that in fact, he's a good dentist who knows EXACTLY what he is doing. Hrm.

The washing is ready. Bye guys. Email me! It seems I am fairing much better at that than updating this page.

Friday 9 December 2005

Queen Clio...

Mine baby girl has been snip snipped. She got desexed today and has arrived home very groggy and sedate, sporting a stylish Elizabethan collar. It's very disconcerting to see her so groggy and 'un-animated'. She's been sleeping a lot and at one point, relished her favourite meal - two wheattie bix and goats milk. MMMmm Mmm! We have now collapsed on the doggie mattress for another long sleep. Poor little girl. Of course, I have suffered in her misery and photographed her sleeping with her big conehead! As soon as I can find the cord for the digital camera, I'll shoot them over to flicker.

In other news, we got our Comm Games tickets in the mail today! yay for us!! Many fabbo tickets. We have gymnastics in lower floor, row B - not bad! Others aren't so hot, but what can you do?

Anyways, I'm about to start my weekend.

Wednesday 7 December 2005

Und update...

Yes, my diary entries are sporadic, at best I humbly apologise, but then, I often get the impression that no one's really reading.

Anyway, my week in bullet points:

  • We have handed over our cheque to the agent - so, now we're basically home owners. Settlement is end of February and we've been sent confirmation that the nasty tenants have been given notice. We had an issue late last week where we realised the agent had ticked the wrong option on the contract - the one which says "vacant possession"/"rental receipts". The agent ticked the latter. Obviously, we are seeking to live in the house and the agent knew this, but the moron reckons that's how they do it. My conveyancer hit the roof, told him he was a fool and set about trying to get confirmation that the vendor had issued notice to the tenant. We have received it, so we're covered.
  • Clio has had a whole mess of "little girl" problems. Basically her bits haven't grown as she has grown. So, we've seen a few vets, the last one was so patronising, that I wanted to slap him! None of these vets wanted to desex her, stating that she had to have a season before they would. However, we saw a friend's vet who was so lovely and had such common sense, that he has volunteered to desex her because he doesn't see it as being an issue. So, she's booked in for Friday morning for the big snip snip!! The vet basically said it's a common condition, she's not suffering and desexing her won't be an issue. The only issue in the future could be dermatitis, because she has such a build up of folds of skin around her little girl bits! Hard to convey, but you get my drift.
  • My friend Margie is leaving Australia next Tuesday, so we're catching up one last time on the weekend for a movie and dinner. I will miss having her around, but am excited for her as she sets off on her new journey over to Stockholm.
  • We're in non-ratings period on TV, so I am suffering!! I've been watching a lot of rental movies (I have a hankering for Cocktail this weekend!) and hanging out, cleaning etc. exciting, I know.
  • We bought a christmas tree! I shall take some photos this weekend and put them on flicker. It's our first tree as a couple, which sounds a bit odd, but when you've spent the last 5 years traveling from one in-laws to the other, it gets a bit old. Suffice to say, some of the in-laws are far from pleased that we won't be seeing them, but tough shit, I say!
Ok, tired of the bullet points. My wisdom tooth is acting up and I need to gargle some listeri-ne. grr.
Btw, not feeling the love for the christmas card exchange. So far, Sonnet and Verbs are the only ones who've responded! Also, Buzzaroni and I are exchanging, god love her!

Saturday 3 December 2005

Christmas Card Exchange!

Alright, idea borrowed from Margie over in the US. Anyone wanna do a Christmas card exchange? Would be nice to hear from you all!!!

Leave a comment, or send me an email.