Friday 6 January 2006

The last 30 hours...

Woe is me. The last 30 hours have been a little bit of a rollercoaster. Here in Australia, it is Friday night and I feel like it should be Friday night in two years time! I'm a bit exhausted.

I woke up at about 3am today with a thumper of a migraine, which was scary, because it was a migraine I've never had before. It felt like a bolt had been shoved through the front right of my forehead and was bolted at the back right of my skull. Really yuk. I tried to sleep for a little while longer, but it was no use. I got my wheat pillow and heated it up. Let me tell you, 4 minutes waiting for a wheat pillow to heat are the longest minutes of any person's life. It's arduous and traumatic for me. Anyway, I got up again at 6am or thereabouts and decided I was in serious need of a bucket. I got my trusty 'spew' bucket from the laundry and took it back to bed. Glen followed. I can't vomit in front of anyone, well only if I am drunk and then I don't have a lot of choice. I told him to leave, he didn't hear me the first time, so the second time, my delivery of the news wasn't very nice! Sorry Glen. :) I spewed. I thought, "great! I'll start to improve". I didn't. I spewed again, and again, and again. Glen brought toast and tea in for me and left for work. I spewed again. I tried some toast, I forced a nibble, I spewed. It was pretty glamorous, let me just say!

I woke up at 2pm, head was still thumping, but by then, at some stage in my stupor, I had eaten my toast and revelled in the joys of cold tea. No. Honestly, cold tea is lovely! You should try it, though I advise against trying it with milk.

Anyway, that's been today. And even now, almost 10pm, I feel quite ill. My stomach hurts and my throat feels like I've raked razor blades up and done it! I'm going to bed shortly in the hope that tomorrow is always a better day!

Yesterday! I said the last 30 hours! Yesterday, I had my third interview for this job. This time it was with the dude who leads up the department and who will ultimately be my boss. I walked out of the interview thinking that I didn't stand a chance, that I had fucked it. When my friend came out (she was interviewing me also), I told her I'd ballsed it. She was quite certain I hadn't and assured me all was ok. This is despite the fact that the boss dude gave me that forced smile. You know the forced smile I am talking about, right? It lasts too long, it looks insincere and is very uncomfortable? Apparently this is just him. I like this guy too, so I guess it's just him. So, apparently I'm in with a good chance.

God. I'm scared of getting it. it's a new, challenging job. But at the same time, I soo soo want it. Who knows. THat was something I was thinking about this morning at 3am whilst I was desperately battling my migraine. I was thinking about it and how scary it was. If they hire me, I hope it's because they know I can do it. I want them to be sure I can do it, not because I am an internal candidate, or because I said the right, or the wrong thing! Hrm.

Off to bed shortly. Hopefully my bruised tummy will heal itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ack, I hope you feel better soon!