Thursday 19 January 2006

My loss is my gain...


I have a confession.

I joined Weight Watchers on 5th January, in an attempt to reduce my increasing waist line and get back some of my dignity and confidence that I have been missing since being in Melbourne.

Actually, I didn’t quite join Weight Watchers, I kinda just came back. You see, I’m a Life Time Member. I reached my goal weight when I was a teenager, doing it with my mother. At the time, it was fantastic, but one crucial component to my lifestyle change was missing – my personal motivation and willpower. You see, my mother cooked the meals (mostly), she dictated what we had and I wasn’t allowed to purchase chocolate – it’s a bit hard to have such tempters when you don’t have money!! So, I became a very tiny 60kilos and was very thrilled. It was very noticeable and lots of people complimented. In hindsight, it meant nothing.

I’ve got a lot more to lose this time. I’m ashamed of that, but I am not daunted by it. To be honest, it was a long road to get to the blobification that I am, so it’ll be a long road to get back to what I should be.

Anyway, last week was my first weigh in. The only things I did last week were eat to the plan, avoid chocolate and high-points food and I think I walked once. I stepped on the scales and the lady gasped, made a strange noise and didn’t respond when I said, “what’s wrong?” At that point, I was starting to have a heart attack, internally panicking and wondering what her noise meant. I jumped to conclusions, because her noise meant, “Sam, you’ve somehow managed to lose 3.2kilos (just over 7lbs) from your lard arse!” I was visibly shocked, but more importantly, I was encouraged to continue.

This week wasn’t as great. I weighed in at lunch time, and somehow managed to stack on 500grams. Now, most of you will say that this is nothing and I shouldn’t be upset really. I understand that, but then I began thinking about what I might have done to upset the applecart, as it were.

The in-laws came for a visit on the weekend. I ate plum pudding with vanilla ice cream. I tried to limit my portion, but you know the dumb part? I DON’T like plum pudding and I prefer chocolate ice cream – chocolate anything – to vanilla. So, I have to stop myself from succumbing to that sort of shit.

One closer evaluation, I think my portion sizes are bigger than I estimated and perhaps I should have got off my butt to exercise more!! Hrm.

So, here it is internet. I have confessed. I was going to keep it a big secret for a while, but since this blog is a confessional, rather than a secret keeper – yeh right, I feel ok about speaking.

The WW thing has begun to gather momentum at work, with about 8-10 other people inspired to join. This has prompted one of the group to actually approach WW to do an At Work programme, where they actually come to your workplace, weigh you and speak with you. This could totally help, as Glen is already very supportive at home, so there’s no issue there (Mr I’ve Lost One Kilo!).

I have a lot to lose (in weight), so I am hoping that because I am heavier, the weight will drop off once I get my shit together. This will be a huge incentive to me. I mean, I’ve already noticed that my clothes are looser, to the point that all my work pants can be pulled over my waist and hips without being unbuttons or unzipped! Minor miracle there! I should also take my body measurements, as that’ll buoy me on the days like today!

Anyway Internet – shhhh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as you would know, I think that's awesome! That's one thing I didn't do was take my body measurements. I wish I did, it would be interesting to know how much I've lost/will lose from my big butt! :)
