Tuesday 30 August 2005

Anti social behaviour...

I have always prided myself on being someone who could communicate. In fact, I was always told that I had an above average ability to articulate myself clearly, in any forum and in any format. In other words, I was versatile in my communicative abilities. So, imagine my complete and utter annoyance when I realised today, that I am phone-phobic.

Yep. I've become far too reliant on email and online communication and to be perfectly honest, I'm not comfortable with talking on the phone anymore. I have friends whom live close to me, and obviously others who don't, but I don't talk to them via phone. In fact, I've realised just how much I have avoided it, to the point where I will communicate via sms to arrange to meet up etc. I'm pathetic.

Even at work, I would much rather discuss an issue via email, than on the phone or in person. Though even then, I would prefer the phone than the in=person discussion. So, that's a bit of a contradiction, isn't it?

So, am I just a product of our day and age? Have we all become too reliant on technology, that we are losing our perception of how to communicate? It's just unsociable. I mean, personally I believe that the internet and email, sms etc have really paved the way in communication. But the critical element of this is: If It's Used Properly!

So, I have developed a blog, I communicate and articulate my thoughts through my blog. I share my thoughts and feelings, I observe my surroundings and make comment. I share every element of my life to a world I don't know. That's pretty brave communication. People put their photos online, some are more risque than others, you can research just about anything. It's an infinite.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. I am a self diagnosed regressed communicator. I have undone what is probably a pretty sought-after talent - the ability to be comfortable in all forums of communication. Must work on being able to talk on the phone. Must avoid SMS communication.

Saturday 27 August 2005

Too much spending, not enough money...

That's the story of my life. However, it's not going to stop me and it didn't today!

You see, today was meant to be about going to Snowgum and getting Glen's free pair of shoes. Now, this is a story in itself, which I shall now tell as comically and as interesting as I can. Glen likes to wear hiking boots. He likes his hiking boots. In fact, he basically only owns one pair of shoes - his hiking boots. Therefore, it is safe to assume that he lives in them. They smell. They smell baaaad! He's had them for 2 1/2 years! He bought them from Snowgum. So, when the soles started to come apart etc, he decided it was time to purchase a new pair. These suckers aren't cheap. Some can be as expensive as $400!!! So, I guess purchasing a new pair of shoes every 2.5 years, isn't so bad, right?

So, he marches into the store and tries on new shoes. In the meantime, of course, he has to take off his smelly, mouldy shoes to get the others on. The shop assistant notices and asks him where he got them from. They story occurs and they say, "Oh, well we can send them back to the warehouse and see if they might give you a new pair." Glen says yeh sure, but purchases another completely different pair - as his old pair will be vanishing and he will be a hobo with no shoes until then.

On Thursday, he gets a call. His NEW pair of shoes are in - they will be replacing the new ones, they say to him on the phone! We picked them up today, so now, for the first time in Glen's life, he actually owns more than one pair of shoes!! So, I suspect it'll just take twice as long for them to go green and mouldy and smelly! Hurrah!!! I have a friend who brought back her shoes today to the story - this is like the 5th pair which she's brought back. She's been doing this for a few years. You see, these shoes are meant to last, so when hers started letting in water, they told her to bring them back. So, she'll get another pair of new shoes.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you see where I am heading with this? Buy hiking boots - they will literally last you a lifetime, as new! ;)


In other news, Snowgum was having a sale today, so I finally purchased a goretex rain jacket, which was originally $350, but was reduced to $199! B-A-R-G-A-I-N! Of course, it probably won't rain for another two years now!

We also made the mistake of going to DFO in Moorabbin and you know, we walked out with these kickarse drinking glasses, which were further reduced from their reduced price and then we bought a Jamie Oliver Tefal scanpan fry pan, which was reduced by half price.

Spent way too much money today folks.

Friday 26 August 2005


It's fairly rare when you can pinpoint the exact moment in a new job, when you suddenly realise that, "Yes, you are going to like it here," and "Yes, you will make it past your 3 month probation, because your boss does value you and isn't kicking themselves for hiring you."

I had a moment today. And I knew it was the moment. I was so conscious of it, I could have revelled in it, to the oblivion of my colleagues and dangerously, to the oblivion of my manager, who was presently on the phone to me at the time.

Today, I was told what every employee should be told, but rarely isn't.

That I was adding value. That I was a valued employee. I have been officially recognised as someone who adds value to my team, who complements my manager's working style and who makes their job easier and much more easier than normal. You see, my manager, I don't think, has ever had subordinates to manage. I think she has managed the division on her own, with no one else to assist and no one else to rely on. I don't think she has had that support, that second pair of eyes to watch out.

Today was a bit of a 'moment' for me. The story goes a little like this. I was asked by K yesterday to compose an email to a number of senior management people, reminding them of their obligations on a project we're working on. Having been through this sort of thing before, I am all too familiar with the pitfalls of such projects and involvement, so I knew just how to word the email as to make it overtly clear of K's expectation of this group. The email was not backwards in coming forwards on their expected level of commitment and cooperation they must provide this project. The email spoke about the ramifications of their lack of commitment and how her terrier, ie ME, would be onto them so fast, they wouldn't know what hit them. I guess you could say, I went out on a bit of a limb, wording the email the way I did. There was no subtly to the email, it was shooting straight from the hip.

Well, she gushed. She gooed. She loved the emailed. She was so pleased to finally work with someone who understand the pressures of our jobs. Who seemed to be able to come out and communicate the basic intentions of our group. She went onto to say that she was so pleased to work with someone who complemented her working style and how she knew we would work so well together. In gibberish, this meant "I'm so going to keep you come the 3 month review and I can't believe I found someone so cool to work with!". Ok, it wasn't gibberish. It was a compliment. I was pleased to receive, because although I actually hadn't considered not being here after the 3 month review, it was rather settling to really feel like I was adding value and bringing some experience and skills to the group, which were not already there.

Then I realised something that now pisses me off.

Managers fail to remember what it was like, what it is like, to be reporting to a manager. They forget the insecurities and high expectations placed on them. They fail to acknowledge the lengths to which their staff go to, to ensure they look good and that the team operates smoothly. This made me mad, because once upon a time, they were reporting to managers and were making their managers look good.

Have I lost you yet? Good.

So, it's just nice to work with someone, who is really committed to her job and the organisation, but also understands the contributions of her team, and how her team makes her look good and gets her job done easier.

I think it was a moment of clarity for me today. The only reason why I think it was so blatantly obvious to me was because, in a nutshell, I've just come from reporting to the boss from hell, who was so self absorbed, I'm surprised she knew where her ass was. I used to work for someone who couldn't manage her emotions, let alone her staff and division. Who didn't understand the real work her staff actually performed, but insisted on making them work more. Who didn't offer that human element to her team, which was sorely lacking. All the while, HR was ever aware of this stupid scenario and allowed the 5th person - yes, 5th person to resign from under her leadership - yeh, mismanagement is a better word.

Anyway, I think I've kinda moved on. It sounds a bit sentimental, but it's not. But it's like that old saying, if you allow others to treat you like shit, then you will feel like shit.

Some silliness...

It's Friday. Here's my contribution.

I was tagged by Margie.

“List ten songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to."

  1. Catch My Disease - Ben Lee
  2. Bad Day - Daniel Powter
  3. 4ever - The Veronicas
  4. Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
  5. How Can This Happen To Me - Simple Plan
  6. 1985 - Bowling For Soup
  7. Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
  8. Walking In Memphis - Marc Cohen
  9. We're All In This Together - Ben Lee
  10. Don't Panic - Cold Play
  11. Let Go - Frou Frou
  12. Pressure Drop - The Specials
  13. Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows
  14. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
  15. This Is The Time To Remember - Billy Joel
  16. This Is How A Heart Breaks - Rob Thomas
  17. We Belong Together - Mariah Carey - ok, shoot me!
  18. Switch - Will Smith
  19. Bigger Than My Body - John Mayer
  20. Ten Days - Missy Higgins
Ok, so I listed 20, but there were so many songs that are in my head, it's hard to choose and since this is my blog and I'll list as many as I want to, you will understand! And yes, some of my choices are daggy!!

Now, I must purchase some pizza and rent a DVD!

I tag Di, Buzzaroni, Batty Baby, Kiwi Jo and Sonnet!

Yes, I know - I have chosen many, but I figure the odds are good of at least half of them actually taking up the challenge.

Thursday 25 August 2005

There's no turning back...

The blogger gods must have heard my prayers. I noticed when making a comment on Di's blog that she has an anti-spam component which allows people to verify that they are in fact real! So, none of you have any excuse now for not showing your email address. Ok, so if you don't want, I can't make you!! But I've made it as easy as possible now :)

Also, I have consumed sweet sweet Cadbury chocolate. I'm bad. Susan will kill me if she ever finds out!!

Does anyone know how to change the coding in blogger's template for the colour and type of font in diary entries. Currently, I have to change my font to Verdana black - as it is in Arial or Times New Roman white and I hate it!! I would appreciate any assistance, as I am completely brainless when it comes to html coding or anything remotely non-humanities.

Anyway, time for little me to get some sleepy byebyes.

Also, a big shout out to Sonnet who is going to find out the sex of her second baby this week! Girl, I wanna know what it is!! I'm so pumped!

Wednesday 24 August 2005

Flick me some of them pros...

I have been tossing up for ages as to whether I should purchase a Flickr Pro account. I've been hesitant for ages, until tonight when Glen just said, "Put it on the credit card and just do it". So, I just did it. I purchased and I am now known as Pro.

It doesn't mean much, but considering I've really been getting into the digital photography, I kinda felt like I deserved it. Incidently, I have uploaded some more shots to flickr tonight, if you are interested, click on the link to the right.

I've been trying to master the art of close up photography, especially foliage and flowers etc. My camera has functionality to take 'foliage' shots, but to be honest, it's not as easy as it presents itself - ok, so this is kinda obvious considering I've uploaded blurry, out of focus shots to my flickr account!! Apologies to anyone eyes which I have offended!

Anyway, I need to review my photography skills. Either that, or read the manual again!

Today was pretty good at work. It's midway through my third week and I can totally see myself being there for a few years. Well, a few years whilst I study for psychology and become suitability qualified. The people there are so friendly and easy going. A lot of them are approximately my age, so we all have a lot in common. Today, it was someone's birthday and they ordered pizza. They sat in the office, consumed and laughed hard. At about 3pm, there was jaffa cake and fairy bread and more laughter. It helped the afternoon to pass quickly.

Lastly, is anyone sick of, no that's not the right word for it, is anyone getting fed up with hearing about another plane going down and killing stacks of people? The world seems to be getting harder to live in. It seems as if there are more bad things happening to people and now it's like a lot of bad things are occuring in a shorter period of time.

Tuesday 23 August 2005

The secret's out...

I think I have headaches from a flu which is trying to get the better of me. After being off work yesterday, I discovered this morning from my colleagues that a lot of the floor had been off work sick with similar complaints - headaches, body aches, sore throats, lethargy etc. It would appear that it had something to do with that. However, thank you to everyone who emailed me with advice. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a headache etc from dehydration or my change in diet. I would say not drinking enough water over the weekend contributed to my ill health! I'm a moron who has learned her lesson - this time. I can't guarantee not to do stupid things again!

Anyway, I'm still a bit headachy and I have aches and pains and general lethargy - though, that could be because I just came back from a 20 minute walk with Clio.

Now, I sit and relax...

Monday 22 August 2005

Faulty towers and other limbs

Do you know what I am sick and tired of?

My body.

It's shittin' me.

Honestly. I could trade it in now.

I've had a dull, but persistent headache since at least Saturday. Oh, no actually, I had a headache on Friday night, but who's counting, right?? I'm tired of headaches. In fact, I don't quite know what I've don to deserve this.

After the slight wake up call from my chiro, I've been walking almost every day - at both lunch and at with Clio in the evening. I have been keeping a food diary, and although not going exactly to plan, I am eating better. So, I have a headache and I don't know why and quite frankly, I'm tired of it. It's not as if I don't already have my fair share of such occurrences, but honestly, I've been able to pinpoint with great accuracy, which headache/migraine relates to which health issue I've got! It's usually PMS, or stress or a bad back problem. This one is just weird. I hate not knowing my enemy. I hate it!

Anyways, my weekend did not go according to plan. Apart from the headache, I had to make a judgement call on Clio's play date. She was scheduled to meet with my friend's cocker spaniel, Jasper. However, due to someone who was a little paranoid about my dog's eye discharge, she panicked me into thinking it was conjunctivitis, so I cancelled the appointment. turns out, Clio has a slight eye irritation largely due to probably digging around in the dirt etc. Anyways, we cleaned the house into a pristine condition, we purchased yummy food which was not diet friendly and we refilled Clio's wading pool, in readiness for Jasper's arrival! Maybe another time.

Ok. I've had enough of the internet world. I decided to sleep this morning, dose myself on more drugs and take the day off work. I am hardly understandable in the mornings as it is, so I decided to email my manager and let her know. At 10.30, I got a panicked call from my manager, asking where I was. I couldnt work out why, since I had emailed. Turns out I misaddressed the email and used the wrong email prefix. I'm such a dickhead sometimes. Suffice to sasy, my manager thinks I'm a moron, or a slack arse. Either one, doesnt sound too promising. Must drag my ass into work tomorrow, despite how I feel.

Also, Roxane from Aus Idol soooo reminds me of Margie!

Friday 19 August 2005

Just Shoot Me...

I am so pleased that so many people are reading this! there used to be a time when I truly felt that no one read and although that had its good points, it was a bit lonely being out there in cyberspace all by my lonesome.

So, I am more than happy to see so many people posting comments. It's nice that my posts make people think, that they post a comment. It's nice to know my posts make people think, so please take this the only way it should be taken. If you make a comment, and are asking a question, please, please leave an email address, so that it's easier for me to respond to your comments. Otherwise, it does defeat the purpose of me having comments which notify my email account that someone has indeed posted a comment!

Ok, that was a bit difficult for me, so please don't take offence and of course, let me know if there are issues with posting a comment with regards to email address. I might be talking shit, and I might be misinformed! So, feel free to yell at me!

Anyway, it's Friday night and it's raining, my poor Glen is riding home on his pushy with a sniffly nose and a sore throat. At least the hot water system is fixed! I don't plan on doing much this weekend. I have a former colleague and friend coming to visit tomorrow with her husband and dog, so Clio has a little playtime. Therefore, she has been traumatised in the bathroom and has undergone a lovely warm bath, which of course, she was less than impressed about!! She even less thrilled about the hairdryer - yes, in an attempt to try and dry her and keep her warm at the same, I got the dryer out - she looked at me with the whites of her eyes, which read clearly as "I'm going to remember this forever, biatch!".

Ok. Time to sign off!

Thursday 18 August 2005

I am a credit to my gender...

LIsten up girls. Hear this. You are reading the blog of the Best Female Bowler at yesterday's bowling event at the AMF! To prove it, I have enclosed a photo for your viewing pleasure. Impressed? No? Of course you are, you're just jealous of my cardboard trophy, topped with my lovely bowling ball-like balloon!! Contain your excitement. I scored a total of 213 from two games of ten pin. It's not a huge effort, I don't think - not compared to the pros!

Anyways, I am sitting here, viewing Temptation, with a snoring dog sleeping on my foot. She had a huge walk today - well, it was 20 minutes, but with her little legs, that's huge and of course, it was plenty for my poor body! I am attempting to exercise each day to keep the circulation flowing and to insight some weight loss - OF ANY KIND@!

Today was pretty productive at work for me, only because I was finalising my induction meetings, so caught up with a few people, who droned about their divisions, blithered about the programs they ran etc. Don't get me wrong, these people were perfectly fine, the things they were explaining were very integral to my role, but after nearly two weeks of information intake, I am experiencing tried and trusted Information Overload. I am completely over it. So, I booked myself in for a 10 minute massage tomorrow! Yes, our work brings in a masseuse to massage our weary muscles. Nice huh? I could get used to this place and it's only my second week. Not to mention the fact that I got paid today, so the bank account is looking healthy again. Not for long with the rent coming out today! Grrr.

In other news, we got hot water today. this might sound weird, as we have been here since February, but we've had a faulty hot water system which never really ran truly hot. Of course, we had decent showers, but the water is scalding now! It's fabulous. I was so inspired, I started washing up dishes tonight and was amazed at the fact that I was burning my hands! It was fantastic! No more greasy lunch containers! It's fabulous!!

Ok. Enough of that. Time for some relaxation and to get warm. Yay for tomorrow is Friday and then my weekend starts! My friend Susan from my previous job is coming over to visit with her husband and their dog, Jasper the Black Cocker Spaniel. Should be a nice meeting, as young Clio will meet another friend and they can play silly buggers. Oh, the joys and fun of my life!

Wednesday 17 August 2005

Bay City Bowlers....

My day at work kinda went like this.

I arrived. I did some work. Met with some people. Did some more work. Read some more documents.

We had a lunch at work. It was free. Chicken, salad, chips, spring rolls etc. It was huge.

We went back to work. I worked. I joked with colleagues. I stuffed around a bit because I didn't have much to do.

And at 3.30pm, we all packed up and made our way to the local ten pin bowling club and bowled for two hours, free finger food and drinks, and trophies and prizes.

What a way to spend your work afternoon!! I had a ball and even scored high in the first game - let's not talk about the second.

Anyway, my point is, my new work colleagues know how to have fun, how to balance the work with the fun. It's nice to see and actually be a part of. Of course, tomorrow we are all back at work, back doing the things we get paid for, but that's ok with everyone.


Anyway, I can't be buggered making a new diary entry, so here I am. My friend, P alerted me today to something very startling. Clio is overweight. She is a big pumba! And it's true! I've been overfeeding, overindulging my poor dog! So, Clio and I are both on diets of sorts. In order for Clio to lose some weight, I have to stop feeding her dog biscuits in the morning with her wheat biscuits and milk. I just wish dieting was that easy for me!! Just stop eating biscuits! Dammit!

So, we went for a big walk tonight. All in all, about 40 minutes worth. Poor Clio was buggered after it and collapsed on her mattress outside the door. I'm feeling ok, though my poor pudgy knees could use a replacement for the next walk. But tomorrow, we shall walk again, and the day after that.

It was nice to sit down tonight and watch Idol and see Anne make it through the to the final 12!! I was so excited and I've never met her. I'm pleased to see a rock chic get through and the other guy is damned lucky to get into the top 12.

Oh yeh, yesterday I received my ebay parcel from the seller in the US. I purchased a reprint of Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending Staircase. I have been in love with this painting since discovering it in Year 11 Visual Arts. I have been keen to own it since then. There's nothing like looking at an abstract piece of artwork and finally seeing what you are meant to see. It's hard to explain without showing you the piece. Hopefully the print I have attached will do it justice. Anyway, I'm totally wrapped in my new acquisition and shall be heading out this weekend to purchase a frame for it.

Ok. Time to finish up. Unfortunately, because I didn't get out at lunch today, there's no photos. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight, I rest and watch Spicks and Specks.

Oh yeh, before I forget! Eating went well today. I did succumb to the red rooster chicken, pasta, chips and spring rolls, also the little nibbly things at the bowling alley. So, ok I didn't eat too well today, but you know, I bought Diet Vanilla Coke, so that makes up for it, right? And I walked for 40 minutes today, so that's good, right??? I haven't eaten chocolate today and I've not really missed it, though I could go some Gaiety biscuits - they are my biscuit of choice right now! *sigh*

Tuesday 16 August 2005


I have been busy during my lunch breaks. I have uploaded some new photos to my flickr page. Some photos are pretty cool, others are so out of focus, it's ridiculous - how could I upload these babies and hold my head up high? Ok, so I am still suffering the Jaffa-attack that was today *see previous entry*. I'll cope.

Anyway, I present my flickr photos.


Shame is a packet of Jaffas.

I am ashamed.

I started so well this morning.

A new day, the second of my healthy eating, eating in moderation and all that.

I ate almost a whole packet of jaffas.

I feel sick.

I have a headache.

Have I learnt my lesson?


But hopefully I won't sit there tomorrow and think about the chocolate in my work draw, because it's not there now, is it?

It's in my stomach.

Sorry Margie!

I will be better tomorrow.

I have to be.

Monday 15 August 2005

What the???

I have been feeling a bit demoralised about studying psychology for a while, but in the last few days, i have kind of resigned myself to just biting the bullet and having a go. This was despite the cost incurred and all that. In comes Batty Baby to save the day! Thanks to her, I am exploring the alternate world of another university in another state. We'll see how it goes, the only draw back is the potential for residential schools, however, I might be able to swing it that it is only in Wagga/Albury etc - in that case, I could probably drive up there. Fingers crossed, as I peer into it more. But I do have to say, it's certainly FAR more appealing when it's half the price of the uni I was looking at here in Melbourne!


You know, I think I need to explore the tiny world of my tunnel syndrome too. I pondered very fleetingly, the option of interstate unis, but thought it would be too much hassle. We'll see.

Thursday 11 August 2005


My mind is full of various, random thoughts. Some are useful, others not. It's raining outside. It has been raining on and off today. The air has been bitterly cold and I for one, do not enjoy it. However, I am truly pleased to hop into my lovely warm and dry car and drive home. Meanwhile, poor Glen gets to ride home on his motorbike, with his holey shoes which need replacing because the rain gets inside of them and he has frozen tootsies and wet underwear. No, none of that for little me.

Which leads me to my next random thought, I need to lose weight and I don't know how to. It has to be a conscious decision for me to eat well each day and to actually get off my arse and exercise somehow. I am sadly lacking this ability and it drives me nuts during moments of reflection, when I am sitting my fat butt on the lounge in the warmth of my home, with a belly full of food, which I probably ate too much of. And you think I've got my shit together? Not me. I'm a walking mess of stress and turmoil.

This reminds me, my chiropractor is at the end of his tether with my back. It slumps back into its old ways and is a constant source of pain. He highlighted the causes of subluxation. One is stress of varying devices - emotional, physical and one other, that I cannot remember. He then went onto highlight the range of health influences - things like exercise, diet, etc etc. I could almost fail these. Actually, I would fail them and they appear to be the influencing factors in my back becoming normal and my life, hence becoming normal. Humbug.

Life is in a bit of a mess for me. I want to study psychology. there is only one university in Victoria which I can study at, because it offers a course by correspondence and there is no requirement to have studied psych before. So, I'm in a bit of a quandry, as each unit will cost me $1500. My first year of three years of study will cost me just over $3100. How the heck am I going to afford this, given I have just taken a huge salary drop and am trying to save for a hosue deposit? Hrm. I was delusional in thinking I could, in all good conscience. Hrm. Some big decisions to be made, and no idea how to approach it. There's text books, fees and all sorts of other costs to be incurred. Ho hum.

I sometimes wonder whether I create my own dramas and then other times, I feel more like a victim than a stupid twit. You know the most irritating part of this study dilemma? My mother tried desperately to convince me when I was choosing courses for my Arts degree, to try to get me to take some psych units. This is why I hate (not literally) that my mother was almost always right, with the exception of a few thousand things! ha. Hrm. Who's laughing now? Thank god, she's going a bit senile and nutty in her twilight.

Now, I must sleep, for tomorrow is Friday and Friday's are good days. Besides the fact that I love my sleep. Also, if any of you are even remotely thinking about bidding against me on Peep's Sheep's Ebay site - you had better bug off! That baby is mine!

Wednesday 10 August 2005

Australian Idol...

Ok, so I'm a closet, or not so closet Australian Idol fan. I have been since day one of season one. I was far from impressed by last year's crew, but this year, I am extra inspired and interested because I am told that this girl works in our Sydney office. So, I'm getting behind her. I hear she sings well and is a lovely person, so who knows?

Anyways, another hard day for me. Just challenging, lots of things to remember and take in. But, I discovered that not only are we getting two more staff members to our new little division, but they are working on a new office for our little team to work in. It will include lovely FLAT SCREEN MONITORS! Funky new phones with many, many speed dial buttons! buttons! Anyways, they are taking our new division very seriously and giving it the tools it needs to succeed. It's going to give me a real opportunity to dictate the direction of the group, as this is groundbreaking for the organisation. Fingers crossed.

In other news, poor little 72kg Glen lifted Clio up long enough tonight to weigh her. Together combined, they weighed 95kgs - Clio is 23kgs!

Nuff sed.

Fair go...

I don't have much to say today, but I am sure I will later.

Meanwhile, this is just heartbreaking.

Monday 8 August 2005

First day...

I am no longer an unemployed bum.

It was nice to get back into some sort of routine today, even though it's work. I know, I should enjoy the idea of being a bum at home, getting up whenever I feel like it, running around doing all sorts of erands and plopping down in front of my laptop whenever I feel like it. But, I was really looking forward to getting back to work. Weird, huh?

My first day was nice. A lovely relaxing ( as much as it can be when you are driving through heaps of mum-driving-children-to-school traffic) drive of 15 minutes. I arrived at work and my workstation had been decorated in streamers and bows. They had an induction planned for me, so I shall be inducting for the next 4 days. My Brisbane-based boss is arriving tomorrow morning to meet me and discuss our new division's strategies. Yes, we're a new division, so we make our own luck, so to speak. Stationery was thrust at me, left, right and centre, as was the corporate express book, with the promise that any stationery I wanted, I would receive upon request. I was introduced to the wonderful world of CLEAN corporate toilets!! I was stunned.

And you know what was awesome? A general manager, who I report to on a day to day basis, who cut short his meeting with me because it was 5pm and he felt I should be heading home! Woot!

Anyways, I have a bit of a headache, so I'm going to relax. But today was a good day. More later.

Thursday 4 August 2005

The chop...

I feel today had potential to turn out quite bad, but because of how I made decisions, I actually had a pretty cool day.

You see, I had booked myself an appointment with a new hairdresser. I usually go to another in Richmond, but because I have moved so bloody far away from this suburb, I have moved everything closer to home. I've had to move my chiro etc too, so it's nothing new to me. Anyways, I walked into the salon this morning, it was pouring outside and it sucked. So, I fell through the door and made a scene doing it, people looked at me and I kinda stood there for a second, waiting for someone to acknowledge me. No one did, so I sat, figuring someone would come up to me. I waited and waited and I thought, this really bites. I have never gone to a hairdressing salon without being greeted and asked if I wanted coffee etc. I waited for 15 minutes before anyone bothered to say something and even then, she barely acknowledged my presence. When i started huffing and carrying on, another lady noticed me and asked me if I was Samantha. Of course I am! Anyways, it is finally revealled that I am waiting for my hairdresser to arrive, as traffic is murderous and she is stuck in it. No one bothered to tell me. I find out later than even though she called at 9.30 to let them know she would be late for 10am, no one bothered to call me. Anyways, several times I really felt like walking out of the salon, cutting my losses and hopign to hell someone else could cut my hair today.

I stayed and I was rewarded. I met my new hairdresser, Lisa. Lisa is quite bubbly and friendly, without being overbearing. She had fresh ideas about my hair and was shocked when I said I'd never gone the dark colour that she had proposed. She was shocked when I said no one wanted to let me grow my hair! She was all for it, so I was so pleased, I'm in love with this girl!

Anyways, I've uploaded some photos of my hair to my flicker page, so feel free to click on the flicker site to the right and see. I was feeling quite happy and jovial, so forgive me, as it's not an accurate representation of me ;) just kidding.

I can't remember if I blogged yesterday, I have no memory of it, so I would hazard a guess and say I haven't told you about my tax windfall! I got a huge tax refund yesterdya, thanks to paying too much tax this last financial year and also oweing to the fact that I have overpaid my HECS debt - which is now, no more!! WOOOOT! So, we've decided to sock half of it onto the mastercard and almost pay that off and the other half will go to our savings account for one the big question is popped and then we have money for a ring. Cool, huh?? No, I'm not married. That might be news to you fine readers. Stay tuned....

Ok. Off to relax and enjoy the rest of my evening. Might have some more photos tomorrow when Clio meets the creek which lives near our house. She's a fine water baby, so I think she'll be into that water so fast, I'll have trouble getting her out.

Tuesday 2 August 2005

Pop Quiz..

See if you know anything about me...

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

Sandy chops

Sandy chops
Sandy chops,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
Miss Clio enjoyed her first trip to the beach today. I don't think she ever thought that much water in one location existed! She's a real water baby at home, paddling around in her water dish. We actually bought her a clam shell sand pit, which we have filled with water and she loves paddling around in that. So, today was quite fun and I took lots of photos to record the occasion. She's outside on her mattress now, dead to the world. But man, I don't know where that puppy gets all of her energy from! I swear, she's like the energiser bunny!

Anyway, my space bar is absolutely driving me nuts - I have to keep hitting the delete key to go back and separate my words and I've had enough!

Btw, there are heaps more photos on flickr. Just click on the photo of Sandy Chops ;)