Monday 30 January 2006

Learning new things...

I swear, there's usually nothing that surprises me about my partner, Glen - until now.

Recently, I have been whinging to him about how I want to change elements of my blog and him being a gumby IT network dude, I figure if I whinged to him enough, he would be able to fix it. However, generally I've had to stumble my own way through the joys of html, with a little help from him along the way.

Anyhow, I digress. In an effort to assist me with my ordeals with HTML, Glen apparently opened up a blog and ran some test runs on coding for me. Little did I know that this baby has taken on a new life.

I urge you to check back and read his blog every now and again. Having said that, I'm not entirely sure how often he'll post, but the mere fact he began one without me urging him to, has gotta count for something.

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