Sunday 29 May 2005

It's been a while...

Mozilla shits me. Since I upgraded to the newest version, it's been bugging out on me - well, that's what we think it might be. I sat here writing an entry before, about two paragraphs into it, the whole thing packs up and dies, along with my diary entry. So very unimpressed.

Anyways, I was extolling the lovelinesses of Clio. She is a joy. She has fathomed the idea of 'pee pees Clio' and after a couple of nights of 3-4 times up to go outside for false alarms or pee pees, she woke me up for the first time last night, well this morning at 6am - we were both very pleased with her. We have millions of pictures, a lot I still haven't got around to downloading them to Flickr, but I will shortly.

The other reason for not blogging is simply, I have been working. It really sucks. I had to work back late Friday to 7pm, and then over the weekend from 1-5pm and then tonight to 7pm. I hate how my job seems to suck the life from me. I don't like it and I won't be putting up with for much longer. I've given myself a time frame and falling short of speaking about work here, which I made a promise to myself, never to do, it won't be a long tenure.

In other news, car should arrive for pick up on Monday or Tuesday, pending the bank organising our loan cheque. Glen has the week off work, so he should have the car for the majority of the week to play with. Yay :) It'll be nice to have a car again. I'm getting sick of riding the scooter. Dont get me wrong, the scoot gets me places where a car cannot get to as fast, but I love the comfort of it, to have heating - I freeze on the bike.

Good news, cats are getting use to Clio, even in her boisterous state.

Anyways, probably going to work late again tomorrow evening, so excited. So, you won't be hearing from me for a few days, until I recover.


Friday 27 May 2005

Big nose

Big nose
Big nose,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
This is the newest addition to the family!
I shall blog a bit more later, am a bit tired. She is awesome. Full of beans. Can't wait to spend more time with her. I have some videos of her snoring and chewing and bouncing, but I am not sure how to upload them to blogger.

Any ideas?

Monday 23 May 2005

Movin' right along...

Today was a day of phone calls, good news and some bad news.

Of course, the good news is about the car. The dealership called today and said the car would be at the dealership by Friday and we should have our car by early next week!! YAY!! This is good news, because Glen is on leave next week, for missy's first week home. So, she's going to be driven around a lot, I suspect anyways!

The other good news was the bank came through and approved our loan, which was a little relief, but mainly we were quite confident. It's all falling into place quite nicely.

The bad news is having to harass the poor agent again about the dumb lawnmower man. He's just pathetic. This time he whipper snipped a hole in my bloody dog bucket which had water in it and then decided he only wanted to mow part of the lawn. The man is so fired, if I have my way. Actually, he was fired so we don't know why he came around on Saturday.

Tomorrow night we have free tickets to see the last Star Wars movie! Woo!! Can't wait. We like Star Wars and we LOVE free movie tickets!

Now I must go find food and view my car on the web again! WOOO!

Saturday 21 May 2005

Who is he married to?

Today, we bought a car. Having been without a car for weeks, relying on our motorbikes, it was cause for celebration. We bounced home. We got there. She was there. Miss Negative. Doom and Gloom. Party pooper. She did not congratulate us. She did not attempt enthusiasm or interest. She focussed on her own woes and paid no interest in our car or the things we got for it. In short, she made it about herself. She is selfish. She harbours jealously. She wants control. She had her own worries; things she wanted to do, which she turned into something big enough to be 'important'. They really weren't. Every effort I made to boast about the car, I was cut short or met with a stare of disinterest.

She ruined our excitement. Better still, she ruined it all day. Then, she belittled my partner - as she always does. She has no partner, she uses mine. I share him, you see. I always have. Inherited her. It was through no fault of my own. He cannot stand up for himself. The relationship has always been like this. She likes it like that.

Right now, she has comandered him to finish building her dog house at her brother's place. This is at a time when we should be celebrating together, spending time together. Instead, I am here on the lounge, watching tv. I am alone, feeling very resentful, wondering why he won't make a stand, figure out what the right thing is and put some limits in place. I suffer, she doesn't.

Don't get me wrong, he's not 'mine'. BUt I 'own' him more than she ought to. She needs her own partner, except I share him with her. He and I have discussed this many times, with no resolution. I don't know what to do. he finds it hard to defend, confrontation is difficult and thinking on his feet is hard.

Now I must sms him, give him an ultimatum for arrivals. I hate this. I am the 'domineering' partner. The one who makes him do things, contrary to what she would prefer, demand even.

I'm tired of this.

Things we did today...

We've had a busy day. The things we did were:
  • I went to the physio, got my ankle poked at and strapped up and paid for the pleasure;
  • Glen bought a lovely bright yellow - canary coloured blanket, with tassles for Clio's bedding;
  • Looked at Honda CRVs;
  • Met a salesman who had been selling for three weeks and was very nice?? What the?;
  • The car died twice on account of it never being used, so the battery was displeased;
  • The battery was charged twice before it good - Glen stalled the car, hence the second charging;
  • We haggled;
  • I got my hackles up by the snotty, over-aged, balding, obnoxious, dripping in gold jewellery sales guy - different guy t0 the nice salesman;
  • Dripping-gold (nickname to be used in this entry) asked me if I robbed banks for a living - I replied, "I should!";
  • Dripping-gold went away to 'speak with the owners!'. Came back and told me I was dreaming and gave me a revised figure;
  • I told Dripping-gold snotbag (new variation to the name) that we had a budget, we weren't in a hurry and could he knock $500 off the price he just gave me;
  • He ummed, he ahhhed, he shook (yes, I kid you not!) and he offered me his hand;
  • Poor Glen sat and watched the dramatics unfold; but
  • Glen is now the owner of a new, did I say NEW Honda CRV with an arm-load of accessories. Hopefully the car will be available within the week, if in stock, otherwise a ocuple of weeks.
Do you know the dumb part? He told me I was dreaming and asked me if I was serious, even though the initial figure I gave him was basically the one we shook on. Moron? I think so.

So, now I have a headache and backache - not sure why the backache, and I need a sleep. It's tiring dealing with stupid pricks - sorry, dripping-gold snotbags.

Oh, did I mention that we've brought forward the new due date for Clio? We're picking her up on Thursday night - if her hip scorings etc are all good - the breeder hasn't got off her arse to show me and that concerns me. Rather, Po has got me all paranoid about it, because Po needs something to worry about and needs to create drama, make it about herself and have some power.

Washing calls!

Wednesday 18 May 2005


originally uploaded by Sams76.
Ok, so PeepsSheep requested photographs of my ankle, preferably with bruises and swelling. Well, it's not really swollen anymore, though I can't fully tell - it's all strapped up.

If you look at my leg and how it tapers in to my ankle which then presents as a little bump? Well, my ankle was all swollen to the point where you couldn't tell where my ankle bone was and it was flush with my leg - if that makes sense? I had/have a big kick ass bruise down the bottom of my ankle, which looks like a line of purple going the length of my foot - it's parallel to my sole.

There's a few extra photos on my flickr page, but unfortunately I really didn't feel like taking photos the other day. And no, I shall not roll my ankle for a third time, just to get an impressive photo ;)

My fridge

My fridge
My fridge,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
Oh dear. Our fridge doesn't look so hot.

Top shelf, we have beer - care of Glen. Saturday night, he went out and bought Di and I pizza, as well as the beer and some lolly water aka lemon smirnoff or whatever it is called. I'm not a big alcohol drinker, but the lolly water is good. It hardly tastes like alcohol and I can get a bit giddy and lightheaded from it. Yay.

Also on the top shelf is an almost empty packet of chocolate chip biscuits. I had bought them for Glen and found them discarded in the computer room - he must have been playing Warcraft in there last night and needed some supplies! I have been eating them today and I think there is one token biscuit left!

There is nearly always soft drink in our fridge, which is very bad. There's also some garlic and chives cheese on a plate inthe fridge and a couple of cartons of orange juice, which I am slowly consuming in the morning as part of my breakfast. For a very long time, I would only drink a glass of milk, now it's juice. I go through phases.

Something you won't recognise is on the middle shelf where there is a small parcel wrapped in white paper. Inside are two eggs from my friend's Greek easter celebrations. Anyone who knows when Greek easter is, will tell me to get real and throw the eggs out - they will be off! Damn! The eggs were painted red and had some little pictures drawn on them. They looks very nice and I did mean to eat them, but I just never got around to it. If I'm not in the mood, then I'm not in the mood and that goes for everything in my life!

Anyways, any questions about the contents, please feel free to ask. There's also a couple of other photos on my flickr site of my fridge. One is the outside, laden with magnets and the other is a shot of the contents of the door. We have lots of jars. Half empty. Probably mouldy.

My Laptop

My Laptop
My Laptop,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
The first of my blog requests. Verbs requested to see my computer. Whilst we have a couple of computers here, it's the laptop I use mostly. I bought my little toshy late last year - a few days before I started my current job.

As you can see, the screen needs a bit of a clean, but I'm lazy. Plus, I can still see through it, so who cares?

I was attempting to do some work today from home. I had gone into work for a meeting and for my efforts, I was told to go home and work from there. I tried, unsuccessfully. Largely to the fact that my laptop/wireless etc is fuct. It chucks a wobbly when I try to scroll through a Word document and makes it look like it's running Windows 3.1 or some shit! So, I basically gave up and started taking photos :)

Beside my laptop is my mouse pad. There's history to it. When I was in college at uni, my best friend Gilly coveted my Speed CD and I was envious of this mouse pad. It has tassie tiger and I loooove tassie! So, we swapped! :) That was 1997, my second last year of Uni. I think I owned my first PC - it was a piece of shiiit from Hardly Normal and I had gone Cotton Chipping for the entire summer to save the money up. I lost heaps of weight chipping and learnt all sorts of swear words that I had never heard before! *laugh*

Now, I must go clean the screen on my laptop!

Tuesday 17 May 2005

Something new...

I know other people have done it with their blogs, but I've never had the opportunity, and truth be told, the idea sounds kinda fun.

What am I proposing is the following.

I own a digital camera.

I may have a small blog readership.

If said blog readership so desired, please send me a message, requesting photos of things.

Be clean, and don't be suggesting anything foul or revolting, because I just won't do it.

It prompted me because I just posted some new photos on flicker.

One was photos of my dvd collection - or a small portion of it.

You may want to see other images.

Let me know.

Only too happy to oblige.

The imagination boggles, right?

It's time to weigh in...

I haven't said much about the Shapelle Corby case. I've said a lot to people, though not ranted or carried on for too long. I think that's because my basic belief is pretty much held by the rest of the world. In short, I think Shapelle is the victim of a bad baggage detection system in the Australian airports. I'm not completely absolving her, because I don't completely know - only that which the media has told us and we all know the media never fully gets it right. I do know this. There has been enough evidence to suggest there should be 'doubt' and in any fair judicial system, where there is doubt, there is usually not a strong enough case. Therefore, the case would have been thrown out by now.

However, Bali is showing itself to again be ridiculous in its judiciary decisions. This is greatly disappointing, but it's only my common belief and I do not possess a law degree, or any other expertise to say this with authority. This is common sense. This is common sense held by a majority. What happens in a majority, people? Nuff said.

Anyways, the reason I am so filed up is my mother. Unfortunately, more and more, she and I do not agree and to end the conversation, I usually have to either accept or back down and let it slide. I hate this, so this diary has become my outlet, of sorts. She gets on the phone and no shit, starts by saying ot me, "Your uncle is heading over to Bali". Then, she starts about Shapelle Corby, how she isn't entirely certain about her anymore. I ask why. "Because I heard today that she had been to Bali 6 times in the last 18 months," she said. I asked her where she got this information from, because I hadn't read it or heard it anywhere. "Oh, I heard it on the radio." I twig a little. "Was it talkback or the news," I ask - dubious, indeed. "Oh, talkback! But it came from the talkback guy's mouth!". Yes, Mum. I asked her how many times my uncle had been to Bali. She got her hackles up and got defensive, "Shapelle doesn't have reason to go over there, she doesn't have much money!". How does she know?

So far as I know and I'm not defending Shapelle, but as far as I know, Bali is cheap. It's popular and easy to travel to. I mean, why does my uncle go? Who knows, but I know he's been there quite a fair bit in the last couple of years. What's the point? I go to the cafe across the road for lunch 2-3 times a week because they make great sandwiches. Maybe Bali makes great sandwiches?

Does anyone think this is a bit rank? I think people are forming their own opinions - some are very misled, like my mother (this is my personal opinion) and some are a little more knowledgeable about it - I'm not professing to be one of them, but I'm certainly not listening to the misconceptions of the likes of talkback radio DJs.

Monday 16 May 2005


I've had a busy day and I was meant to be home resting! You may recall my account of Friday, the 13th? I tripped in the street on my way to work and twisted/sprained my ankle. You may also remember me saying i sprained/twisted it again on Saturday whilst at the Zoo. I decided enough was enough, so I saw the doctor about it today. She sent me to the xray place, which confirmed that I had not fractured any of the bones, so I was sent to the physio. Mr Physio explained that each of us has three ligaments around the ankle. I have torn two of the ligaments, hence my pain! So, after a little manipulation and an ultrasound - who knew that an ultrasound could heal as well as detect babies??? I didn't. So, I have been strapped and sent on my merry way. I am to attend the physio again on Saturday morning to undergo more manipulation and shell out more money! But at least I am happy to know I shall get better.

My colleagues missed me today, so much so, that they really need me at work tomorrow, so I am to catch a taxi to the city and I shall be compensated for the expense. Pretty nice, huh? It's nice to know there's humanity in corporates.

Anyways, I must call Mr Freezer man - I stopped into an electrical retail store on the way home from the physio and negotiated a price for a chest freezer and I must call him to let him know I will take it. Clio will require a lot of food and our little freezer is, well, little!

Btw, I am/was of the opinion that I could easily quit my job and just be a stay at home wife etc. I realised today how bored I would be without a hobby, or something to do. I got to see Judge Judy, Oprah and the telemovie about Mary Latournaeu! I was thrilled. Oh yeh, I got to see the Bert Newton show and watch some doofus cook a pumpkin pie. So, ok the pumpkin pie recipe instilled some inspiration in me, I was less than thrilled with the rest of it.

Sunday 15 May 2005

The good and the not so good...

I had such an awesome weekend. Di arrived on Friday night and we chatted for ages before going to bed. She delivered her birthday present to me. A whole stash of doggy things - bowl, toys, hot water bottle etc. It was way too much, but it was very sweet. I shall attempt to post a photo of the goodies. We spent yesterday at the Melbourne Zoo, which was fun. Lots of interesting and quirky animals, but my favourites were the butterflies and the meerkats. Unfortunately, my digital camera ran out of batteries before I could get some nice piccies of the meerkats. Di was fortunate enough and I am hoping she might share her piccies with me. The highlight of the day was to see a Sumatran Tiger getting fed and to see the lions rolling around lazily with each other, chewing and pretending to maul each other. The negative part of the day, being ever so careful not to aggravate my sore ankle, only to find another uneven part of the ground and crunching my ankle again. I fear that I will be taking the day off work tomorrow to attend a doctor and probably get an xray. It's a pain in the $%^#!.

It's funny. Seeing Di again, this time as an adult was as I expected. Di hasn't changed very much and is still the same endearing, but devious person I always knew. A wicked sense of humour and laugh to match. However, as much as she would like to keep the mood light and full of laughter, there is a serious, wise side to her, which I remember. She's become a grown up, but I think begrudgingly ;) If she had her way, she would be the eternal child :)

Unfortunately, she was not able to be around when I picked Clio. It was a bit of a shame, but I have taken photos, so you can all see. Clio is 7 weeks tomorrow and already she and her fellow puppies are quite large -
pumbas, I call them. I really wanted to collect her next Saturday, but Glen made me wait the extra week, as planned. I'm so taken with her, I'm desperate to bring her home, play with her and see her grow. I'm like an expectant mother, it's disgusting!

Anyways, I've got the ice on my ankle, all elevated and sore, watching Attack of the Clones. This movie was by far, Lucas' worst. One scene has really nailed it for me. The scene where Ewan McGregor goes into the bar/cafe to quiz the owner about something he found. What made Star Wars unique was because it was that - like nothing else we knew, it was unique. It resembled nothing we knew. Now, this cafe reminded me of a New York cafe/bar. A Queens cafe waitress and a big fat greasy old guy owner. It's a bit stereotypical and off-putting. I'm also disturbed about Yoda. His speech in Star Wars was disjointed, but not always. Now, Lucas has gone overboard and everything Yoda says is disjointed and it's grating on my nerves. I never knew why I didn't like these new movies, but I guess it's been narrowed down tonight after their revelations. I'm holding hope for the new movie. The adverts in the cinemas look promising, in fact I think Lucas has done a better job on the special effects and hopefully, the storyline.
Has anyone seen it? Time to log off. I tired!

10 years later...

Together again,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
10 years later and here we are! I should track down a before shot of Di and I, just for comparison, but who really wants to see how chubby I've become and how short my hair is!

Had a wonderful time and wished we had more time to spend together. Next time?

Puppy, Puppy, PUPPY!

Clio - 7 weeks,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
Glen and I just got back from choosing this little girl. Her name is Clio and we shall take delivery of her in two weeks :) She is very boisterous and lovely. There are more photos on my flickr page

Friday 13 May 2005

Friday the 13th...

Ok, I am not superstitious. I never have been. But today, I had reason to be. I woke up and thought how tired I was. I had slept badly and had a stiff neck for it. Got off the train in the city, walked across the road to my building. Didn't more than half way before I stumbled over a big hole in the ground and my ankle cracked, groaned and made all sorts of horrible noises. I stumbled into work with tears streaming down my face and could not put weight on my ankle for a few hours after. It's almost 8pm and my ankle is still killing me, but I can atleast walk on it. Sorry, I'm hobbling! It's just not my day!

To top it off, I had to buy an etag tonight to go on the tollway. I get onto the voice automated service and try to say my number plate. This isn't the plate number, but it was like TIQ949. I say it, the voice comes back and says, "PIQ959". I persevere and it continues to get it wrong. Then it tells me to use the international alphabet, you know, A for Apple, B for Bravo etc. So, I say, T for Tango etc etc. It mistakes the T for Tango for an S for Sarah. What the fuck?? I started to lose my cool and by the fifth time, I tell it to fuck off and you know what it says to me? "I'm sorry, was that a yes or a no?". I hang up and come to my senses, purchasing the etag online.

Now, I must go get ready to pick up Di from the airport!! YAY!!!!!! *BOUNCE*

Wednesday 11 May 2005

Hump Day...

It's Wednesday, thank god. Monday and Tuesday were quite nice, largely because my boss was out of town and it was a bit quieter at work than normal. And, because yesterday was my birthday. The big 2-9. Almost 30. Weird, huh? As a child, I was desperate to be an adult. By adult, I mean something like 22 or so. Now, I am like one of those 'old' people that I dreaded! Not dreaded so much, but I kinda felt that it was old, like responsibility, kids etc. Now that I am close to 30, I feel pretty good actually. I don't feel old, I don't think I have ever felt old, except for those days when I haven't had enough sleep or have done too much strenuous activity! You know, you're probably going to hate me but I don't have any grey hair! Every time I go to the hairdresser, I ask him to check. So, whether he's humouring me and then applying the hair dye, or being genuinely honest, I dunno.

So, my birthday. It was an ok day, as far as days go. I mean, I was at work for crying out loud! So, I worked on my birthday and I didn't do much else, which is pretty boring of me, but then I am close to being an old fogey! Last night, we went out to this restaurant on the south eastern side of the city - I happen to live about 5 minutes from this place - Michaelangelo's. They are a newly found pizza, pasta, steak and seafood place. they're pretty well known in the area, I think. We stuffed ourselves, gave Glen shit - as you do and then toddled off home. We had chocolate cake with purple-coloured chocolate icing! Yum. And then, presents! We likes the presents. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved and lived for presents. I love surprises. It's kinda like the other end of the spectrum compared to seeing a horror movie. You know, the anticipation etc. Anyways, I digressed. I got a dog rearing book and some stuff for my palm pilot. So, combined with the camera, it wasn't a bad birthday!

So, this weekend is coming! That means, I'm going to the airport. Why am I going to the airport? Because the ass-pummelled girl is arriving from Brisbane. Don't ask about the ass pummelling, it's just one of those things :P This weekend also means seeing my lovely little puppy and picking her. I can't wait. It'll be two weeks til I get her. *bounce*.

Anyway, sorry for the boring entry. My life isn't very interesting right now. My life consists of no car and waiting for the end of financial year sales to buy a Honda CRV, waiting for puppy, waiting to go on holidays, waiting for Di to arrive. My life is built on waiting.

Tuesday 10 May 2005

Monday 9 May 2005


originally uploaded by Sams76.
This is Lenny. Lenny is the stud. Actually, he is the stud dog who fathered the puppies - one of which I am taking home with me on 28 May!


Sunday 8 May 2005

Mind numbing...

Yesterday was probably not my best day, as was Friday. Friday morning, I woke up with a migraine, but I soldiered (without codral) and went to work. I started to feel better as the day wore on and at one point, clarity hit (at the photocopier) and I realised I was without migraine. Then I made a fatal mistake, which I was not to know would be fatal - I had a small bottle of Schweppes Lemonade and the migraine came back! I went home, I ate well, went to bed early and treated the migraine with drugs and a wheat pillow. I woke Saturday and it was raging! We had plans, I missed those plans - it was the eternal hunt for a dog kennel, or provisions to make one! So, after puking my guts up for about half an hour, I fell back asleep and woke at 1pm feeling hungry and without migraine - half my day gone!! It was a pain.

I really hate being ruled by migraines, but the one thing that kept me from going nanas is the fact that I probably won't have one next weekend, which is 'the weekend' that Di comes to visit me!! It's been ten years, right?? It's a little disturbing to me! I mean, I'm thoroughly excited, but does she realise I am a fatty? That I have short hair? That that that, um, yeh! Hrm. I guess I only have a few things to feel self conscious about, so I'm doing ok, right?? Nonetheless, I am stoked that she is buying a plane ticket and spending her weekend with me!! YAY!!!!

Now, I must motivate Glen to get up on from his Mac, where he is designing plans for the dog house, hang out the washing, go out to Bunnings and to Clark Rubber and then a few other things.

Also, a quick side note - the bandage came off Friday night and hasn't gone back on. Which means my implant is healing faster than the last time, though it is driving me ABSOLUTELY INSANE with all the itchinesses! Argh!! Anyways, all the horrid memories from last time, where I cried because of the pain and tendernesses, this time I feel pretty damn good! :)

Alright, off to drag his butt off the chair!

Wednesday 4 May 2005

Inflicting pain for a good cause...

A little under three years ago, I entered the world of contraception bliss - Implanon. It saved my life and sanity. I don't react well to the pill, I get emotional, shitty and moody, plus all the other effects. I apparently have too much estrogen as it is, so having extra with the pill made me a monthly bitch - like I could be worse. So, anyway.

Today, I had my implant out and received a new one. You see, the old one was wearing out. The old one let me have at least 12 months without a period, it then let me have periods every three months in the second year and over the past 6 months, my periods have been very erratic, to the point where I hit boiling point recently because I've had a period non-stop for over 2 months. It's not the most ideal way to live and cruels the sex life! So, my arm has been anaesthetised, cut open, reefed at and prodded. So, my arm is wrapped up in a constrictive bandage to limit bruising and pain. Except that my arm is suffering from pins and needles, so I'm going to have to take the bandage off and rebandage it.

So, that was my day. Guys, are you suitably put off reading my diary? Girls, are you suitably put off getting this implant? I figured.
Two more days of work and I can't wait. It was one of those days I'd rather not relive. I don't think I have anything more to say. Goodnight :)

Monday 2 May 2005

My little car

Shot 1
Originally uploaded by Sams76.
Just trying some flickr photo blogging

Disinterested ILs

I have inlaws who I really feel are greatly disinterested and our lives. What has prompted this potential tyrade? Tonight, Glen spoke to them about potentially coming to visit in a couple of weekends, before we get puppy. They had originally brought it up, saying they wanted to visit to see the new place etc. So, when he speaks to them about it, they are all excuses, "We were thinking about going to your great aunt's neice's sister's birthday on that weekend". When I asked Glen when they would be coming, he couldn't tell me because they wouldn't commit to a time, but did say they would just come down for the day. For the day? They live 2 hours from us and won't come and stay for the evening. I don't get them, they frustrate and upset me and Glen is so accepting to the point where I want to thump him!

When I was younger, I dreamed of inheriting inlaws who I would be close to, whom I would have a good relationship with - kinda like psuedo parents. I mean, I grew up without a father etc, a great mother, but no other family. Instead, I inherit inlaws who, for all intense purposes, are lovely people, who are not overly interested, or just too casual for me. I think my mother has come to visit us more times than they have - I kid you not.

Now I must find ways to calm myself, because I'm just so, so, so indignant!

Doggy bliss...

I was so busy over the weekend with everything and then the set up of my new site, I didn't really have a lot of time to sit and blog about my weekend, or the crap lead up to it.
I can't remember if I previously blogged about this, so sorry if I am repeating myself, but I had my flu shot on Thursday afternoon. It basically all started because I wanted to see the doctor about an un-ending female issue - one which had been going on for several weeks! Sorry guys, please switch off, but trust me, I won't be getting into details. Anyways, she has booked me in on Wednesday afternoon for a new implant - since this one is coming to the end of its lifecycle. Anyways, I have digressed. I whinged at her about my female issues and complained to her how it was getting in the way of the old papsmear - Sorry guys!. And from then in, I mentioned the flu shot - I am such a sucker for punishment, I swear! So, I got the flu shot, and am booked in for the other two on Wednesday. I'm such a moron. I wasn't feeling great Thursday night and come Friday morning, I was suitably not well, to the point where I stumbled back to bed and begged Glen to call my boss and leave a message. The man is such a sweet, beautiful person! Anyways, Friday was a write-off, plus I said goodbye to the poor little Camry. I was whinging about not selling it a few weeks ago, wasn't I? *slap*

Saturday was better. I got up bright and early and made my way out with Po and Glen to start procuring puppy items! We scored a huge dog mattress thing - it matches the one we got for the kittens a while ago, and a few toys for puppy, plus a lead and various collars. That cost a pretty penny and we haven't even got a kennel or brush etc! ARGH!

After the petstore, we toddled off to visit puppies - that was fun! Nine little bundles of fur and fat, whining and squeaking everywhere. We found a little girl we all fell in love with, so hopefully we'll be able to find her again the next time we go.

After the visitations, it was off to see a big puppy - Delia. this is Po's rottweiler and she's one of the nicest looking rotties I've seen. Very compact, rotund infact and very friendly. Doesnt get exercised much, but when excited will start to snort and carry on with exertion!

Took De-des for a walk and wandered around for a while before landing back home.

Sunday! Sunday was a fabulous day. Without a car, Glen and I rode to Chaddy for some groceries and to pick up the remainder of Margie and Kay's birthday presents - Margie, it's in the mail! Keep an eye out! We came home and started building the puppy enclosure and I'm sorry, but I'm having a severe de ja vu about already explaining this! Sorry!!

You know the thing that hit me whilst doing all this puppy preparation? I really feel like an expectant parent, to the point where I am scared that I'll screw up this dog's life! I'm told that if you don't get it right while they are puppies, they are like a disaster for the rest of their lives! I just find it a unbelievable! I kinda flipped out over the weekend about the enormity. You know, like you have to get up in the middle of the night to make sure puppy doesnt pee everywhere, or that you have to feed them four times a day and socialise them heaps, take them out in the car, to sporting events, even to the local shopping strip. That's all a bit daunting. Like some little creature is going to be solely relying on me! Weird huh? Maybe I'll get a definite taste of what it might like to be a mother and I'll either be completely put off, or ready to deal with it, if it becomes an issue.

Anyways, I was back at work today, which was fine. I was tired and still not quite right from Friday - amazing how I was pretty much fine all weekend and then work hits and I feel a little under the weather - Glen says it's something I talk myself into! But I swear, I'm allergic to work some days!

Now. You Aussies - who was an absolute fool and stayed up to watch part of, if not all of the Logies last night? Did you find yourself cringing? Glen and I were cringing so much, we would switch channels if a celeb was rambling too much, or someone's boobies were just about to crawl out of their hole. It was so trashy, the worst I've seen in ages. Their idea of international celebs was a bit overrated - they had the woman from Cold Case, whom I like but doesnt appear to have much personality and a guy I don't recognise from CSI Miami or New York. And that was it. A far cry from the promise of having some, if not all of the cast of Desperate Housewives. And Ian Thorpe was an absolute bogan! That hair of his was disgusting, as was the carry on with him and Magda Szubanski. And did anyone find it just a bit irritating that everytime a new celeb was pulled up on the fabulous white (?) carpet, they were asked 'who they were wearing'? It was a poor attempt to replicate the Oscars, Grammies, Academy Awards etc. It was just crass. The highlight of the night, apart from the final credits and ending, was seeing Rove get another Logie and seeing Harold from Neighbours do a very poor, but slightly amusing rap sequence during the show. Totally weird.

Anyways, I'm going to organise dinner for my boy and curl with him on the couch to watch some mindless, riveting television!

You know, it's nice to be on blogger - the interface is so clean and it's so easy!

Sunday 1 May 2005

A new beginning

Just a quick post to let you know that I have officially moved to blogger. It has been a bit of a learning curve, but it's been kinda fun to work out how html works. So, I've taken most, if not all of my archives from Pitas to here. I've also taken the opportunity to change my template to something more simple and just different, I guess. Purple is my colour, so I've tried to incorporate it. Let me know what you think. I'm going to keep my pitas site open for about a month or so, before I'll close it off completely. Hopefully those of you reading my pitas page have come across.