Friday 23 December 2005

Quick update...

It's on its way to 36 degrees here today, but thankfully I get to spend the majority of it inside.

Yesterday, I had my second interview for the job. It was the first interview with the organisation (the first was with the recruitment company). Anyway, I kinda felt like I babbled and carried on a bit. I kinda thought that some of the things I said rambled on a lot. But then we spent a lot of time talking about the politics of the organisation. So, who knows. Anyway, I got a phone call today. I have been offered a second interview when we return in January to work! Woo! I was a little shocked, but rather pleased. I'm still having mixed emotions about it. I love the team I work with now but the opportunity is really difficult to say no to. Anyway, I have all of Christmas to get used to it. Right? right...

Ok. The dog is inside with me, because it's starting to get ridiculous outside and the poor pet is black, so feels it more. I've closed the shutters on the front windows to keep the sun out. Now, I sit and wait.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone.

Btw, why is it, EVERY year, they play Chevy Chases' National Lampoon Christmas Vacation? Honestly. They'll still be playing it when the guy is dead!

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