Monday 15 August 2005

What the???

I have been feeling a bit demoralised about studying psychology for a while, but in the last few days, i have kind of resigned myself to just biting the bullet and having a go. This was despite the cost incurred and all that. In comes Batty Baby to save the day! Thanks to her, I am exploring the alternate world of another university in another state. We'll see how it goes, the only draw back is the potential for residential schools, however, I might be able to swing it that it is only in Wagga/Albury etc - in that case, I could probably drive up there. Fingers crossed, as I peer into it more. But I do have to say, it's certainly FAR more appealing when it's half the price of the uni I was looking at here in Melbourne!


You know, I think I need to explore the tiny world of my tunnel syndrome too. I pondered very fleetingly, the option of interstate unis, but thought it would be too much hassle. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaaaah! Don't let res. school put you off. I've only had one subject that offered residential school and I didn't bother going. I'm in my 2nd year at CSU Wagga but I live in Sydney and have never stepped foot onto my uni campus. You'll be able to nominate an exam centre that is local to you and even if there are weekend tutorials, they're not compulsory and notes are always available via the subject forums (online). Studying by distance is much easier than traditional uni :)