Thursday 11 August 2005


My mind is full of various, random thoughts. Some are useful, others not. It's raining outside. It has been raining on and off today. The air has been bitterly cold and I for one, do not enjoy it. However, I am truly pleased to hop into my lovely warm and dry car and drive home. Meanwhile, poor Glen gets to ride home on his motorbike, with his holey shoes which need replacing because the rain gets inside of them and he has frozen tootsies and wet underwear. No, none of that for little me.

Which leads me to my next random thought, I need to lose weight and I don't know how to. It has to be a conscious decision for me to eat well each day and to actually get off my arse and exercise somehow. I am sadly lacking this ability and it drives me nuts during moments of reflection, when I am sitting my fat butt on the lounge in the warmth of my home, with a belly full of food, which I probably ate too much of. And you think I've got my shit together? Not me. I'm a walking mess of stress and turmoil.

This reminds me, my chiropractor is at the end of his tether with my back. It slumps back into its old ways and is a constant source of pain. He highlighted the causes of subluxation. One is stress of varying devices - emotional, physical and one other, that I cannot remember. He then went onto highlight the range of health influences - things like exercise, diet, etc etc. I could almost fail these. Actually, I would fail them and they appear to be the influencing factors in my back becoming normal and my life, hence becoming normal. Humbug.

Life is in a bit of a mess for me. I want to study psychology. there is only one university in Victoria which I can study at, because it offers a course by correspondence and there is no requirement to have studied psych before. So, I'm in a bit of a quandry, as each unit will cost me $1500. My first year of three years of study will cost me just over $3100. How the heck am I going to afford this, given I have just taken a huge salary drop and am trying to save for a hosue deposit? Hrm. I was delusional in thinking I could, in all good conscience. Hrm. Some big decisions to be made, and no idea how to approach it. There's text books, fees and all sorts of other costs to be incurred. Ho hum.

I sometimes wonder whether I create my own dramas and then other times, I feel more like a victim than a stupid twit. You know the most irritating part of this study dilemma? My mother tried desperately to convince me when I was choosing courses for my Arts degree, to try to get me to take some psych units. This is why I hate (not literally) that my mother was almost always right, with the exception of a few thousand things! ha. Hrm. Who's laughing now? Thank god, she's going a bit senile and nutty in her twilight.

Now, I must sleep, for tomorrow is Friday and Friday's are good days. Besides the fact that I love my sleep. Also, if any of you are even remotely thinking about bidding against me on Peep's Sheep's Ebay site - you had better bug off! That baby is mine!


Di Gallagher said...

I never thought for one second you had your shit together ;-)

Just follow your nose.

Margie (and Fae) said...

Well, if you decide to diet, we can be diet buddies! I didn't think I could do it either! :)

Anonymous said...

Have you considered applying at Charles Sturt University? Although the campus is in NSW, there are lots of students in my (distance) classes that are studying from overseas. The fees aren't too bad either (at least for my business classes they're only $650 per subject). :)