Monday 8 August 2005

First day...

I am no longer an unemployed bum.

It was nice to get back into some sort of routine today, even though it's work. I know, I should enjoy the idea of being a bum at home, getting up whenever I feel like it, running around doing all sorts of erands and plopping down in front of my laptop whenever I feel like it. But, I was really looking forward to getting back to work. Weird, huh?

My first day was nice. A lovely relaxing ( as much as it can be when you are driving through heaps of mum-driving-children-to-school traffic) drive of 15 minutes. I arrived at work and my workstation had been decorated in streamers and bows. They had an induction planned for me, so I shall be inducting for the next 4 days. My Brisbane-based boss is arriving tomorrow morning to meet me and discuss our new division's strategies. Yes, we're a new division, so we make our own luck, so to speak. Stationery was thrust at me, left, right and centre, as was the corporate express book, with the promise that any stationery I wanted, I would receive upon request. I was introduced to the wonderful world of CLEAN corporate toilets!! I was stunned.

And you know what was awesome? A general manager, who I report to on a day to day basis, who cut short his meeting with me because it was 5pm and he felt I should be heading home! Woot!

Anyways, I have a bit of a headache, so I'm going to relax. But today was a good day. More later.


Di Gallagher said...

good day good

Anonymous said...

What's the secret...with the toilets?