Wednesday 24 August 2005

Flick me some of them pros...

I have been tossing up for ages as to whether I should purchase a Flickr Pro account. I've been hesitant for ages, until tonight when Glen just said, "Put it on the credit card and just do it". So, I just did it. I purchased and I am now known as Pro.

It doesn't mean much, but considering I've really been getting into the digital photography, I kinda felt like I deserved it. Incidently, I have uploaded some more shots to flickr tonight, if you are interested, click on the link to the right.

I've been trying to master the art of close up photography, especially foliage and flowers etc. My camera has functionality to take 'foliage' shots, but to be honest, it's not as easy as it presents itself - ok, so this is kinda obvious considering I've uploaded blurry, out of focus shots to my flickr account!! Apologies to anyone eyes which I have offended!

Anyway, I need to review my photography skills. Either that, or read the manual again!

Today was pretty good at work. It's midway through my third week and I can totally see myself being there for a few years. Well, a few years whilst I study for psychology and become suitability qualified. The people there are so friendly and easy going. A lot of them are approximately my age, so we all have a lot in common. Today, it was someone's birthday and they ordered pizza. They sat in the office, consumed and laughed hard. At about 3pm, there was jaffa cake and fairy bread and more laughter. It helped the afternoon to pass quickly.

Lastly, is anyone sick of, no that's not the right word for it, is anyone getting fed up with hearing about another plane going down and killing stacks of people? The world seems to be getting harder to live in. It seems as if there are more bad things happening to people and now it's like a lot of bad things are occuring in a shorter period of time.

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