Tuesday 23 August 2005

The secret's out...

I think I have headaches from a flu which is trying to get the better of me. After being off work yesterday, I discovered this morning from my colleagues that a lot of the floor had been off work sick with similar complaints - headaches, body aches, sore throats, lethargy etc. It would appear that it had something to do with that. However, thank you to everyone who emailed me with advice. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a headache etc from dehydration or my change in diet. I would say not drinking enough water over the weekend contributed to my ill health! I'm a moron who has learned her lesson - this time. I can't guarantee not to do stupid things again!

Anyway, I'm still a bit headachy and I have aches and pains and general lethargy - though, that could be because I just came back from a 20 minute walk with Clio.

Now, I sit and relax...

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