Tuesday 2 August 2005

Sandy chops

Sandy chops
Sandy chops,
originally uploaded by Sams76.
Miss Clio enjoyed her first trip to the beach today. I don't think she ever thought that much water in one location existed! She's a real water baby at home, paddling around in her water dish. We actually bought her a clam shell sand pit, which we have filled with water and she loves paddling around in that. So, today was quite fun and I took lots of photos to record the occasion. She's outside on her mattress now, dead to the world. But man, I don't know where that puppy gets all of her energy from! I swear, she's like the energiser bunny!

Anyway, my space bar is absolutely driving me nuts - I have to keep hitting the delete key to go back and separate my words and I've had enough!

Btw, there are heaps more photos on flickr. Just click on the photo of Sandy Chops ;)

1 comment:

Jay said...

What is it about dogs and sand that is just so funny?