Friday 19 August 2005

Just Shoot Me...

I am so pleased that so many people are reading this! there used to be a time when I truly felt that no one read and although that had its good points, it was a bit lonely being out there in cyberspace all by my lonesome.

So, I am more than happy to see so many people posting comments. It's nice that my posts make people think, that they post a comment. It's nice to know my posts make people think, so please take this the only way it should be taken. If you make a comment, and are asking a question, please, please leave an email address, so that it's easier for me to respond to your comments. Otherwise, it does defeat the purpose of me having comments which notify my email account that someone has indeed posted a comment!

Ok, that was a bit difficult for me, so please don't take offence and of course, let me know if there are issues with posting a comment with regards to email address. I might be talking shit, and I might be misinformed! So, feel free to yell at me!

Anyway, it's Friday night and it's raining, my poor Glen is riding home on his pushy with a sniffly nose and a sore throat. At least the hot water system is fixed! I don't plan on doing much this weekend. I have a former colleague and friend coming to visit tomorrow with her husband and dog, so Clio has a little playtime. Therefore, she has been traumatised in the bathroom and has undergone a lovely warm bath, which of course, she was less than impressed about!! She even less thrilled about the hairdryer - yes, in an attempt to try and dry her and keep her warm at the same, I got the dryer out - she looked at me with the whites of her eyes, which read clearly as "I'm going to remember this forever, biatch!".

Ok. Time to sign off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's no option to leave an email address except for in the comment itself but doing so puts your address out there for spambots to collect.

nospam AT battybaby dot com :)