Saturday 21 May 2005

Things we did today...

We've had a busy day. The things we did were:
  • I went to the physio, got my ankle poked at and strapped up and paid for the pleasure;
  • Glen bought a lovely bright yellow - canary coloured blanket, with tassles for Clio's bedding;
  • Looked at Honda CRVs;
  • Met a salesman who had been selling for three weeks and was very nice?? What the?;
  • The car died twice on account of it never being used, so the battery was displeased;
  • The battery was charged twice before it good - Glen stalled the car, hence the second charging;
  • We haggled;
  • I got my hackles up by the snotty, over-aged, balding, obnoxious, dripping in gold jewellery sales guy - different guy t0 the nice salesman;
  • Dripping-gold (nickname to be used in this entry) asked me if I robbed banks for a living - I replied, "I should!";
  • Dripping-gold went away to 'speak with the owners!'. Came back and told me I was dreaming and gave me a revised figure;
  • I told Dripping-gold snotbag (new variation to the name) that we had a budget, we weren't in a hurry and could he knock $500 off the price he just gave me;
  • He ummed, he ahhhed, he shook (yes, I kid you not!) and he offered me his hand;
  • Poor Glen sat and watched the dramatics unfold; but
  • Glen is now the owner of a new, did I say NEW Honda CRV with an arm-load of accessories. Hopefully the car will be available within the week, if in stock, otherwise a ocuple of weeks.
Do you know the dumb part? He told me I was dreaming and asked me if I was serious, even though the initial figure I gave him was basically the one we shook on. Moron? I think so.

So, now I have a headache and backache - not sure why the backache, and I need a sleep. It's tiring dealing with stupid pricks - sorry, dripping-gold snotbags.

Oh, did I mention that we've brought forward the new due date for Clio? We're picking her up on Thursday night - if her hip scorings etc are all good - the breeder hasn't got off her arse to show me and that concerns me. Rather, Po has got me all paranoid about it, because Po needs something to worry about and needs to create drama, make it about herself and have some power.

Washing calls!

1 comment:

Di Gallagher said...

If Po was REALLY someone you SHOULD listen to, her own dogs would not be so chubby. Yes, her dogs are chubby. And I know that they are supposed to be nasty, but THAT nasty? I wonder if Po would be able to stop them attacking if they started. There was a certain element of 'no control'.
However, I did note, from the distance that I was able to view them from, that they were clean.

At the very latest, you can see the hip/elbow stuff on Thursday. Don't panic. Just don't give her all the money before you see them. And just don't take Clio home without seeing them, because that is as good as saying "Uh, I'm cool with it".

You're a smart girl Sam. I am just worried that Po is going to ruin the enjoyment of your puppy with all her rules. Do with your puppy what you want. Just get her socialised and keep her wormed and vaccinated. And maybe, if you really want, take her to obedience school when she is old enough.

You know, the best way to fight Po is to fight fire with fire. Learn and do as much as you are able to do so that she can't think that she knows more than you. And at the very least, seem capable, even if you don't feel it.

and always remember, dogs are fun. A handful, but fun. And she WILL stop weeing in the house (I know she isn't even there yet, but I reckon it will be the biggest problem to begin with!).