Wednesday 18 May 2005


originally uploaded by Sams76.
Ok, so PeepsSheep requested photographs of my ankle, preferably with bruises and swelling. Well, it's not really swollen anymore, though I can't fully tell - it's all strapped up.

If you look at my leg and how it tapers in to my ankle which then presents as a little bump? Well, my ankle was all swollen to the point where you couldn't tell where my ankle bone was and it was flush with my leg - if that makes sense? I had/have a big kick ass bruise down the bottom of my ankle, which looks like a line of purple going the length of my foot - it's parallel to my sole.

There's a few extra photos on my flickr page, but unfortunately I really didn't feel like taking photos the other day. And no, I shall not roll my ankle for a third time, just to get an impressive photo ;)

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