Sunday 8 May 2005

Mind numbing...

Yesterday was probably not my best day, as was Friday. Friday morning, I woke up with a migraine, but I soldiered (without codral) and went to work. I started to feel better as the day wore on and at one point, clarity hit (at the photocopier) and I realised I was without migraine. Then I made a fatal mistake, which I was not to know would be fatal - I had a small bottle of Schweppes Lemonade and the migraine came back! I went home, I ate well, went to bed early and treated the migraine with drugs and a wheat pillow. I woke Saturday and it was raging! We had plans, I missed those plans - it was the eternal hunt for a dog kennel, or provisions to make one! So, after puking my guts up for about half an hour, I fell back asleep and woke at 1pm feeling hungry and without migraine - half my day gone!! It was a pain.

I really hate being ruled by migraines, but the one thing that kept me from going nanas is the fact that I probably won't have one next weekend, which is 'the weekend' that Di comes to visit me!! It's been ten years, right?? It's a little disturbing to me! I mean, I'm thoroughly excited, but does she realise I am a fatty? That I have short hair? That that that, um, yeh! Hrm. I guess I only have a few things to feel self conscious about, so I'm doing ok, right?? Nonetheless, I am stoked that she is buying a plane ticket and spending her weekend with me!! YAY!!!!

Now, I must motivate Glen to get up on from his Mac, where he is designing plans for the dog house, hang out the washing, go out to Bunnings and to Clark Rubber and then a few other things.

Also, a quick side note - the bandage came off Friday night and hasn't gone back on. Which means my implant is healing faster than the last time, though it is driving me ABSOLUTELY INSANE with all the itchinesses! Argh!! Anyways, all the horrid memories from last time, where I cried because of the pain and tendernesses, this time I feel pretty damn good! :)

Alright, off to drag his butt off the chair!


Di Gallagher said...

"I mean, I'm thoroughly excited, but does she realise I am a fatty? That I have short hair? "

Does Sam realise I'M a fatty and I have longer hair?!

And that my hair is brown? and that I pluck my eyebrows these days? And that I don't wear white t-shirts because my boobs are HUGE?

Let's not get self concious! We're nearly 30 for crying out loud! I think we can cut oursleves some slack :-)

Hugh said...

It sucks to be dominated by pain. Drugs are only so good too. Hope you're feeling better.