Monday 16 May 2005


I've had a busy day and I was meant to be home resting! You may recall my account of Friday, the 13th? I tripped in the street on my way to work and twisted/sprained my ankle. You may also remember me saying i sprained/twisted it again on Saturday whilst at the Zoo. I decided enough was enough, so I saw the doctor about it today. She sent me to the xray place, which confirmed that I had not fractured any of the bones, so I was sent to the physio. Mr Physio explained that each of us has three ligaments around the ankle. I have torn two of the ligaments, hence my pain! So, after a little manipulation and an ultrasound - who knew that an ultrasound could heal as well as detect babies??? I didn't. So, I have been strapped and sent on my merry way. I am to attend the physio again on Saturday morning to undergo more manipulation and shell out more money! But at least I am happy to know I shall get better.

My colleagues missed me today, so much so, that they really need me at work tomorrow, so I am to catch a taxi to the city and I shall be compensated for the expense. Pretty nice, huh? It's nice to know there's humanity in corporates.

Anyways, I must call Mr Freezer man - I stopped into an electrical retail store on the way home from the physio and negotiated a price for a chest freezer and I must call him to let him know I will take it. Clio will require a lot of food and our little freezer is, well, little!

Btw, I am/was of the opinion that I could easily quit my job and just be a stay at home wife etc. I realised today how bored I would be without a hobby, or something to do. I got to see Judge Judy, Oprah and the telemovie about Mary Latournaeu! I was thrilled. Oh yeh, I got to see the Bert Newton show and watch some doofus cook a pumpkin pie. So, ok the pumpkin pie recipe instilled some inspiration in me, I was less than thrilled with the rest of it.

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