Sunday 29 May 2005

It's been a while...

Mozilla shits me. Since I upgraded to the newest version, it's been bugging out on me - well, that's what we think it might be. I sat here writing an entry before, about two paragraphs into it, the whole thing packs up and dies, along with my diary entry. So very unimpressed.

Anyways, I was extolling the lovelinesses of Clio. She is a joy. She has fathomed the idea of 'pee pees Clio' and after a couple of nights of 3-4 times up to go outside for false alarms or pee pees, she woke me up for the first time last night, well this morning at 6am - we were both very pleased with her. We have millions of pictures, a lot I still haven't got around to downloading them to Flickr, but I will shortly.

The other reason for not blogging is simply, I have been working. It really sucks. I had to work back late Friday to 7pm, and then over the weekend from 1-5pm and then tonight to 7pm. I hate how my job seems to suck the life from me. I don't like it and I won't be putting up with for much longer. I've given myself a time frame and falling short of speaking about work here, which I made a promise to myself, never to do, it won't be a long tenure.

In other news, car should arrive for pick up on Monday or Tuesday, pending the bank organising our loan cheque. Glen has the week off work, so he should have the car for the majority of the week to play with. Yay :) It'll be nice to have a car again. I'm getting sick of riding the scooter. Dont get me wrong, the scoot gets me places where a car cannot get to as fast, but I love the comfort of it, to have heating - I freeze on the bike.

Good news, cats are getting use to Clio, even in her boisterous state.

Anyways, probably going to work late again tomorrow evening, so excited. So, you won't be hearing from me for a few days, until I recover.



Di Gallagher said...

update please... :P

Margie (and Fae) said...

Oh, the joys of early morning pee pee walks!