Wednesday 3 May 2006

Mental Dental...

So, I went to the dentist today. She was a nice dentist, she poked around in my mouth and prodded the sore spot on my gums which nearly sent me flying into next week. She then proceeded to pull all the weapons of mass pain out of my mouth, rip off her gloves and tell me that she wanted me to have an xray and suspected that I would need to see a specialist and discuss getting said painful teeth removed. Oh joy. Although, I'm kinda pleased because these bastard teeth will give me continual grief the entire time they push their way out.

Anyway, I got my xray done and whipped back to the dental surgery. Caught the dentist just before she was leaving and she was able to review my xrays very quickly and ascertain that my wisdom teeth are impacted? and will just push on my other teeth, creating more problems. So, I am being referred to a specialist who will discuss removing said teeth.

I have been given antibiotics for the pain and now, I guess I just wait to contact the specialist and beg him not to put me into hospital to go under a general - I'd much prefer a local, it's faster and I'd rather be awake for it. I've never had a general, so it makes me wonder how i would handle it.

Ok. I'm feeling really crap and I guess it's been a busy afternoon of driving around like a madwoman from surgery to surgery and back again. I would say that in the next couple of weeks I shall be getting thine teeth removed. yay and argh!!!

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