Monday 8 May 2006


A famous journalist died in Australia yesterday - see link above for the story.

The irony is, as he collapsed on the ground outside a story he was covering, his fellow journalist buddies grabbed a blanket (how convenient) and shielded him with it, asking others to give him his dignity.

How many other non-journalist, non-public figures get given that opportunity to retain their dignity as they are dying in front of strangers?

Not many, right?

I'm sad he has died, sad that he died so far from home. However, if they see their own as human enough to afford the right of dignity, how come when they are scrambling for the shot of the century, do they forget other people's dignity?


No wonder I got out.


Anonymous said...

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, it may not be possible to remove them under a local. Best do it under a general, especially if you're having all four removed. The alternative is to have them removed one or two at a time under local. Why draw it out when you can have it all done in one hit with the minimum of fuss? :)


Anonymous said...

I wanted to respond. But can't think what I wanted to say.

Hi Sam *waves*

Sam said...

Hi Aurelius!!!


Did you have a brain fart?