Wednesday 17 May 2006

Everyone's got a story...

Since news broke of my wisdom teeth extraction, everyone has told me their stories. Whether they were bad or good, someone else's story or their own, I seem to have heard it!

This has extended from my manager and her manager, my colleagues and future colleagues. This has even extended to the nurse at the theatre yesterday morning and to the man whom I have been conversing with on email to book our cottage next weekend (another story to come). Apparently his son has recently undergone the surgery and because of that, he's happy for us to give him the money when we get there! *laugh*

I guess my point is that when you tell people about your woes, they cut you some slack and often, it brings out the nicest in people! I'm not complaining and I guess I could milk it for all it's worth, but what if I wasn't suffering from wisdom teeth separation anxiety and I was lying? People are so trusting when you share a mutual thing in common, I guess that's how you describe it?

Anyway, so we've booked a cottage next weekend out in Cockatoo, just outside of Melbourne in the Dandenong Ranges. We've decided that even though we're staying with a friend whilst the floorboards in our house are being sanded, we'll take the weekend to relax and get away. This also means boarding the animals etc. No mean feat and not a small cost! I'm just looking forward to getting away with Glen - as we haven't had a 'holiday' together for over a year, I think? Hrm. So much has happened.

In other news, Glen's family sent me some money today for my birthday. What was a bit shocking was they sent it through the post. Now, the gesture itself wasn't shocking, but the mere fact that the national mail/postage authority isn't known for its ability to leave mail untouched if money is in it! Its employees aren't known for their honesty - well, that's my experience! I'd be curious to hear about others' experience in this area.

Tonight, my gums and mouth are swollen and I'm revelling in it. NOT!

I had scrambled eggs tonight, with some ham. It was tasty, but took me so long to get through it. It sucks when you can't chew things! So, I was basically tasting it and swallowing it whole - probably not the best thing to do. Go Metamucil!! Anyway, my diet has significantly reduced since this saga and to be honest, I'm curious about whether that means I've lost some weight? I'm curious...

The nights seem to hit me hardest with my mouth. Ok, so tonight is the second night and last night, I was probably still dribbling - when I woke up this morning, I had been dribbling in my sleep! *laugh* Very attractive. Anyway, tonight I was surveying the surgeon's work and realised I had some packing in the molar beside the bottom left wisdom tooth (now removed) and I was curious as to why there was packing in the molar next to it? Plus, most of my teeth beside where the wisdom teeth were, now feel like they are encrusted with cement. It's rough and I hate it. I'm fastidious about clean, smooth teeth! I can't help myself!! Plus, i can feel the stitches poking out and there's like huge gaps between the sides of my mouth and where my molars now start. It's such a strange feeling, like there's too many teeth missing and how will I possibly be able to masticate my food with that little amount of teeth? Honestly.

Finally, today my manager spoke to me, but via email, as I cannot talk still. However, my manager has been told of my resignation and although disappointed, she said she didn't blame me for my decision. The mere fact that our initial presence in the organisation is no longer a focus, lead me to make my decision to get out. This is coupled with her ability to micro manage everything (but I didn't tell her that!). Anyway, so I have made my peace with all of that and as of 10 June, I shall be unemployed for a sum total of 3 days - it coincides with the June long weekend and then I begin my new job! Woooot!

Although very happy to be leaving, I feel sorry for my colleague who I have learnt, is being loaded up with my work, plus additional work based on new projects being developed. They aren't long term projects, but when she is hired as something more than admin, it's a bit rough when she's being asked to do all the crud admin work. Not that I am saying that there's anything wrong with admin, because that's my core role currently. But if she's being paid to do something else and has absolutely NO experience in admin, you'd think that you've asked the wrong person, right? I feel for her. What's more stunning is my manager doesn't seem to realise that my colleague is equally unhappy in her role, as I was.

Yes, I know. I've been updating more in the last two days, than I have in the last two weeks - I blame too much time on my hands and too much time to think, navel gaze and ponder! And I'm wondering where the hell this mouth pain is meant to be? So far, it's just a need to teethe and an avoiding of chewing! Irony.

I now go log off to feel sorry for myself. Hrumph!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't know about others so much, but i had next to no pain after my surgery. that might have been because i took panadeine forte for two days and basically slept the painful period away. i guess i'll never know. :)

i'm totally empathic on your 'need to teethe'. after 4 days of eating liquid or semi-solid food i was craving a HUGE steak! :D

i hope you guys have an excellent time when you go away for your holiday. :)