Sunday 16 April 2006

One Million Blogs...

Sometimes a buck forty can be worth it. Yes, I decided to get involved in this and I have purchased one tiny little square - my patch in the grand scheme of the universe.

It's hard to describe where the heck my little square is, but the page is segmented. It's in the fourth segment, third row, six squares in. Anyone who can find it, let me know! Anyway, it's my little piece of history, who knows, I might get some new readers.

Anyway, my weekend has been a bit chaotic, with inlaws and nephews and sister in laws staying with us. However, I have survived and the house is quiet and lovely. I enjoyed catching up with everyone, but the reality is, our house is sooooo tiny, it's hard to get that moment of peace. And for someone like me, who needs her space, it was a bit of a struggle.

Caught up with my friend Ruth on Thursday, which was nice. I went to uni with Ruth and we reminisced about the good old days when life was simpler and uni was the 'be all end all'. I remember Ruth realising at about midday that she was meant to sit her final exams at 9am that day! I remember friends climbing through my bedroom window wanting to talk about their latest dating disaster, or staying up all night to write a last minute essay, but spending about 4 of those hours, bumming around the house, laughing with Ruth and gumbying on mushes.

Sometimes I miss those times, but it's one of those times or places that you just can't relive or recreate. I have to say that it's always nice to remember where I came from and what life was like. It puts perspective on your life.

Right now, my life is a bit mixed. My personal life is great, but my working life isn't going so well and although that stresses me, I have to keep the perspective on things. We've been clashing with our manager, so things haven't been pleasant. However, we're not in danger of being booted, so I've just decided that work is work and I don't care too much about it. I've decided to just do my job, do what I am asked and not volunteer much more than that, as it seems my input is not wanted. This is despite the fact that I have so much valuable experience to offer. I guess that's the frustrating part of it. I feel indignant. BUt the job is a means to an end and soon, I'll look at moving on to something more satisfying, unless I can score this comms role that is up YET again. Stay tuned on that front.

In other news, we have made our deposit on the kitchen and will heopfully get some 3d drawings this week. Unfortunately, this project has escalated to include pulling up the tiles in the kitchen, pulling up the carpet in the house and sanding/polishing the floorboards underneath. *sigh* To prepare for this, we have to fix the leaking roof in the garage so that we can chuck ALL of our stuff from the house into boxes AGAIN and turf them into the garage! Yeh, I know. We have to also hire a trailer (tomorrow) to get rid of the shit that the stupid tenants left in the garage to make way for the boxes from the house! le'sigh. It has turned into a huge debacle, but if it goes well, will look fantastic.

Alright. I'm tired and I need to cleanse the chocolate eggs from my body. I could do it Aari's way (my nephew) and poo it out, but I doubt that'll do the trick. I don't think I'm going to be losing any weight. Having said that, I'm going to work out at the gym this week so I'll undo my bad behaviour!

Night all.

1 comment:

Margie (and Fae) said...

I had a couple of chocolate eggs yesterday after Fae's egg hunt, and I felt sooooo guilty. But ya know, you can't deprive yourself of everything!

I don't get that blog advertising thing... are you going to get money for it?