Thursday 6 April 2006


I seem to spend a lot of time reading or hearing about charges and court cases involving sexual assault, rape or some other act of indecency in Australia. Even the volunteers at the Commonwealth Games weren't safe. So, when I read this article today, I guess I was a bit numb to it, until I read one thing - the girl was beligerant to the very end, she was strong and didn't let these bastards ruin her life completely. She didn't let them win. This is such a fantastic message to send any girl who has been victim of any kind of assault and I know that some people can't react like that and that's completely understandable. It's just kinda encouraging to see someone who was a victim of a crime which makes you feel so vulnerable, become someone so powerful. She completely took the power away from these boys (Yes, they were boys) and now they are paying; they are rotting in jail and hopefully it's the worst experience anyone can suffer in their lifetime.

That's how strongly I feel about this sort of crime.

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