Sunday 23 April 2006

And the mess begins...

And the mess begins..., originally uploaded by Sams76.

Yes, Glen and I are trashing the house. I sweat, I think we're suckers for punishment. It feels like we've only just moved in and unpacked and now, it looks like we pretty much have to pack everything up to get the floor boards polished!

We have been talking for ages about pulling up the floors to expse the floor boards, but today we finally did it!!

We started in the kitchen and quickly realised that it would be a slow, slow job. The ceramic tiles were very well put down. However, the upside is that there's no glue on the floor boards, and everything was nailed in. And, as you can see, the floor boards have never really been exposed before, as they haven't been treated. This is fantastic for us, because there's no polish to sand down. The only things that might be an issue, is a very sloppy painter!

Anyway, it's starting. We finalised the kitchen details on Saturday, changed the colours again! We've cleared out the garage to make room for everything.

1 comment:

Di Gallagher said...

Those boards look good under there! You're very lucky :)