Sunday 2 April 2006

Crappy. Period.

I know some of you are logging on to see whether there's an update and I guess you're slightly disappointed - if I sound up myself, deal with it, I know how it is when you click on someone's blog, wondering if there's a new entry to fill in the five minutes of boredom. :)

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit crap right now. Struck down with headaches and general lethargy. It's a female thing, so any of you guys who read, consider yourself warned - following is female content.

You see, I've got my period again. Well, sorta. And this is irritating and frustrating for me, because I had it for about 10 straight days whilst mum was here - no correlation, though there should have been!! Anyway, I'm cursed right now, because my monthlies has turned into fortnightlies and it's to do with my implant.

This basically means lots of headaches I can't get rid of, fluid retention and deathly cramps, plus the huge mood swings which I don't see coming, nor going. Poor Glen has really been putting up with my shit for possibly the best part of 6 months, or more. I can't remember when this shit started. In short, the symptoms I am suffering now, were the reason 4 years ago why I decided to get the implant. Now, I'm wondering why the hell I'm sitting here with a matchstick-like object in my arm which is preventing me from having sex, let alone feel comfortable going out.

Yes people, I am not having sex and although I feel like my period isn't the full reason for this drought, it's certainly not helping. Any of the females reading this have had any or all of these symptoms, or an ultra long period, you'll understand the pain I'm feeling.

Anyway, I haven't come here to discuss the inner workings of my female plumbing, I just came to say sorry for the silence, but I just don't feel like talking. My plans this week will be simple - get to the doctor, convince them to rip this thing out of my arm, suffer a lot of pain for it and hope beyond any dream, that there's a new alternative on the market that wasn't available to me when I first got this wonder-drug. I plan to also get a haircut to make me feel a little better on the outside and try to reclaim the sleep that has been robbed from me.

It's a curse to be a woman sometimes. Never let anyone make you think that it's all fluffy and great. But then, I am sure that you came to that realisation ages ago.

Now, what the hell do I do when the oral pill gives me mood swings etc, and progesterine gives me god-almighty headaches? And now, the implant has the same effect?


Anonymous said...

Spermicides. Seriously. They're the only way to go. I can't take hormonal birth control either, ick, plus I'm allergic to latex... but spermicides work pretty damn well!

Di Gallagher said...

you could do what I had to do, get the non-progesterone IUD. Yes, the 'Copper Coil'. They are no longer as dangerous as they were 30 years ago when women were scared of them. The reasons are *Improved product (smaller, better materials) *Improved insertian techniques (they actually learnt something from those women they stuffed up on).
It took me probably 6-7 months to get over the hormones that were in my body, but studies have shown that the weight might be here for life. I hope not, and am going to try very hard to prove it otherwise.
And Snot, have you tried both types of condoms, latex and rubber? Are you allergic to the rubber ones or the latex ones? I was allergic to rubber, but the latex ones are wonderful.