Monday 3 April 2006

Depression is...

A website filled with no good news.

Stuff it. I was hoping that in the 3-4 years that I wasn't an active participant in searching for a new contraceptive, that perhaps mankind, or should I say, Unkindman might have found a new and exciting form of contraception for people like who suffer migraines and heavy periods. Grrr.

I'm starting to lose hope. Although I wish to avoid headaches and irregular periods, I wish to avoid pregnancy even more at this stage - if we were going to have children, it's not now.


Thanks for your advice guys. Spermicides aren't getting a rave review, in fact one site said that out of 100 women in a year, 40 would get pregnant - I don't like messing with odds, because I'll always lose. And an IUD is just a bit weird for me. I'm not sure I could deal with it.

Sorry, this is consuming me a bit. It's frustrating for me too. The combined pills give me headaches because of the oestregen. The mini pill gives me headaches. The implanon gives me irregular periods and now, headaches. I'm basically destined not to ever have sex again!!!

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