Sunday 17 July 2005


My weekend has been a bloody whirlwind of drama, dilemma and noxiousness - is that a freakin' word? My weekend has been a bit all over the place. I think the stress of work is getting to me, because I woke up with a friggin' migraine which ruined my plans for Saturday morning! I surfaced Saturday afternoon and began my weekend. Yayness.

I worked for five hours on work shit. That was joyous. We all know how much I love working on my weekends. Thrilled to bits. Even more thrilled to hear that I'm probably going to Sydney next weekend, but the real kicker is that I havent been told I am expected to go! The joys of a boss who doesnt communicate. You know, i promised myself a long time ago not to whinge or even speak about work and here I am. fuck. I need to be slapped!

Anyways! Tomorrow is the day! Second interview for me, fingers crossed. happy thoughts people, happy thoughts! I'll try to check in tomorrow evening to let you know. there might not be anything to really say, but you never know.

You know the amusing part, a friend of mine got me to format her resume for her the other day. She applied for a job she had seen. The next morning, I saw another job I thought she would be perfect for. I sent her resume in. She got a call that day and tomorrow, she has an interview too! It would be wicked if she got the job. Even better if I got mine. Lucky Monday.

Anyways, it's time for sleeps. If I can stop myself from imagining that there's someone in my backyard. You see, I am sure I heard a sound out there and now I'm too bloody scared to take the dog out there for number ones. I think I would rather her wee inside tonight. Is that so bad? I'm home alone and I'm a fraidy cat. pathetic.

1 comment:

Di Gallagher said...

Ah, still the same about scary noises I see. Do things never change? Well, my Monday has been lucky, so I hope it's a general positive universal energy all around.