Wednesday 13 July 2005

Round Two...

I arrived at work today, wondering when I would hear about the jobs I had applied for and had interviews for already. Funnily enough, I got a phone call from one of the guys I interviewed with last week. It's the job that I kinda wanted more. It'll ensure that I can work closer to home and I can study next year. It's less money than the other - not by much, but at least we'll be able to live and be comfortable still. So, I've got a second interview on Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, I've had to make up a bit of an elaborate story to get out of work early. Thankfully, I have a partner in crime who has helped me formulate the right story to get out of work, an hour early. Yes, a mere hour early, but for me, that's very difficult right now. It sucks. I will be so glad to get the hell out of dodge.

Anyways, I am tired and I have nothing interesting to say!!

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