Thursday 7 July 2005


You know, I was thinking to myself this morning that I must put another entry into my blog and I started composing it in my head and you know what, I started it with, "Sorry I have been silent!". and then I thought, I always start a diary entry with I am sorry if I havent updated in ages. The point is, I am a person who is prone to apologising for the slightest things, sometimes even when it's not my fault.

I'm just cursed.
Glen and I would constantly say sorry during the beginning of our relationship. I think it drove both of us mad, until we made a rule not to say sorry. Kinda silly really. But it worked. These days, I tend not to say sorry when I am at work. I'm tougher because I made myself tougher. I guess I struggle to maintain respect in a male-dominated work environment. Anyways, the sorry thing. I'm wondering if anyone else has been cursed with chronic apology syndrome? My theory is, you say it once when it's not necessary and WHAM! You are stuck saying it unnecessarily. It's like reflex.

Ok, in other news. Got two more interviews. Tomorrow with a camera company and Monday with a car parking facility. We'll see how it goes. I'm curious about them, which is why I am 'going along for the ride' so to speak.

Not much else happening in my life. Being back at work kinda sucks, but I guess you can imagine that, if you've ever hated going to work.
Anyways, my dinners are ready, so I must deprat!

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