Saturday 2 July 2005

Update time..

Yeh, sorry for the silence. I haven't really felt up to saying anything and you know that when I am quiet, life isn't always cheeriness and roses. It's not desperate though, no one has died, but life could be a little bit better, you know that feeling? Anyways, I'm going to update via bullets, as I can do that quickly and I don't have to really describe anything, I can just overview it.
  • As you can imagine, I didn't get the job. I am a bit bummed about that, but as the time passed, I basically steeled myself for it when the phone call came. I have since discovered three other jobs which are very similar, if not exactly the same. I'm in the process of applying. Fingers crossed.
  • I started back at work on Wednesday. Waking up that morning was so crappy. I couldn't wait to get home.
  • Clio got her infection back, or maybe I should say she never really lost it. I won't go into gory details, but she has a genetic condition which basically means she will have a permanent infection in her nether regions until, a) she has her first season and things right themselves, or b) she has cosmetic surgery, if a) doesn't work. Blergh. Anyways, she went into the vets on Friday to have anaesthetic so the vet could poke around inside properly to make sure there were no foreign objects - there werent. So, he cleaned her up good and proper and sent her home with a $200 bill for his trouble. It's a good thing we love her so much.
  • I just discovered that when Glen and I do our taxes, I can finally get rid of my HECS debt, which means, get this, an extra $500 in the bank account each month. I've already spent the money!
  • We mowed the lawn today. You'd think it needed it - it probably didnt, but it was worth it to see how Clio reacted - it was loud and noisy, but worthy of barking! :) I feel she is adaptable and will be fine with it when older.
  • The last few nights, Glen has picked me up from the train station. That is a bonus in itself. The bigger bonus was to step onto the platform and see Clio wagging her tail and greeting everyone with great anticipation! I feel she enjoys meeting people and seeing new things. We took her down to the hockey and soccer fields today and again, she made friends. It's amazing how people immediately open up and talk when a puppy or child is around. Otherwise, they would never give us the time of day.
  • Glen and I saw War of the Worlds tonight. I have read in most places, how great it is. Other places have said it was crap, so I was a bit hesitant to see it. However, I think I enjoyed it, but I also tend to think that you should not mess with perfection. And nothing can top Orson Wells and the original movie / sound recording, which I personally grew up with. It scared me. Having said that, I think Tom Cruise did a remotely good job - but he always plays the same character - the inept father with is emotionally detached and inept. Oh yeh, I already said inept! Anyways, I liked it. Didnt love it, but enjoyed it.
  • Oh yeh, I suppose this item should have appeared further up the bullets to the front. But anyways, Glen has 'christened' our CRV. His kissed the brick fence with the side of it, so it's going into the insurers on MOnday to be assessed and repaired. I think it was an accident waiting to happen, largely because Glen is so focussed on getting out of the driveway without going over the gutter - our driveway is very odd, so you kind of have to wiggle the car out to get it out the driveway and then through the gutters. It doesnt matter anyways. I mean, that's why you have comprehensive insurance, right? Not that I've ever had to claim it, but you know?
  • Lastly, something that struck me as kind of off. I was sitting in the chiropractors waiting to become adjusted and was reading this affirmations book by Louise Hays, I think her name was. I've seen her books before, they're all about loving yourself and being kind to yourself, yadda yadda. Anyways, I'm not criticising her work, she's obviously popular, but it doesnt work for me. Anyways, this book went through the motions of positive affirmations when loving every part of yourself. So, it started on the first page about Loving your Face. It progressed to Loving your Chin, Ears, Nose, Eyes etc. It traversed the body and it occurred to me, in my evilness, whether it loved EVERY single part of your body. I skipped some pages until I came to the pages, Loving your bottom, Loving your Anus! Hrm. You can also love your Genitalia. As I recall, you had to love your rectum too. I'm sorry, but my anus and rectum serve a purpose, I don't have to love them, I just have to accept them. They serve a purpose for me and I deal with that, but I dont have to pay anymore attention to them, than to clean them in the shower every morning and wipe them clean after pooping. Who has ever heard of such crap?!! Am I going to get heaps of comments now about how heathenistic I am?
  • I'm surrounded by babies being popped out and I'm still wondering whether I am missing something? People are either becoming pregnant - both intentionally and unintentionally, or giving birth - I would expect, this was both intentional and welcome! Hrm. Babies.
  • Lastly, Glen and I need a new cordless phone. Ours is dying, it sometimes wont answer and makes sharp sounds in your ear when you try. So, today we viewed multiple phones and I have to say, "When did phone designers get so stupid?". I mean, they are all getting smaller, they all look foreign and they remind me of mobiles. And you know what? they dont seem to be getting cheaper, even though there's less of them

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