Wednesday 27 July 2005

And the beat goes on...

It's Hump Day. Hurrah. It's all coming to an end. The nightmare is fading and I shall wake soon. I love metaphors. If I could roll off a few more, i would, but I lack the inspiration and mental brain power.

Today was pretty ok, as days go. I went to work, I worked, I communed, I ate lunch, I worked some more and I developed another headache. I'm staritng to believe that my job is just bad for my spine and my head. It will be nice to have next week off so I can fix my stupid body before heading back into work. I did manage to walk down to the QV buildings. I was on a mission to Big W to find the latest Dean Koontz, feeling in my bones that he had infact launched another compelling book. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I couldn't find any new books in his name. It was just too heartbreaking. So, I wandered through the crap. THere was heaps of romance trash there. I mean, I'm all for romance novels and there quite a few legit romance novelists out there, but what I am talking about comes down to two simple and vulgar words - Mills and Boon. I swear, didn't this stuff die out in the 80s?? I'm not saying Big W is renowned for its huge cache of books, but I swear, this particular store was full of trash. I guess I'm going to have to hit borders on the weekend.

Did I mention that I am watching Oz Idol? I swear, they keep dishing out the crap acts and I aint seeing enough of the good ones. Does showcasing the shit really make good TV? I'm not interested, at least. I am still reserving my judgement about mr Kyle-man. I know he's a fairly decent guy, when he isn't trying to be Mr Mean, but I think, right now, he's trying way too hard to be the bastard. I hope he calms himself down.

Anyways, my dinner has been made and I am mega starving! I know I've talked crap again tonight, but sometimes it's just helpful to talk shit in my blog, and sometimes I end up stumbling onto something interesting (to me), which I feel passionate about. It's usually something i've thought about before, but haven't made a mental note to actually blog about. I guess it's a bit like free-writing, or whatever it is they call it.

alright, signing off.

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