Sunday 18 June 2006

Something to talk about...

I must be the most boring blogger right now. I keep whinging about my kitchen and the dramas of it. But you know, when I am out and about, daydreaming or even riding the scooter, I think of interesting blog entries. When I get home, and begin an entry, do you think I can remember what the hell I was going to write about? Alzheimers! I swear.

Anyway, it's the end of another weekend, progress has been made in my kitchen and I shall forthwith download some photos I took. We picked up the three pieces of kitchen that were incorrectly made and have managed to put the rest of the kitchen together today.

You didn't think that we actually finished all of the kitchen, did you? Nope. The kitchen place fucked up again, and another piece requires replacement. I swear, the sheltered workshop could do 100% better with no guidance and no computers. I shall be composing an email to them shortly.

We also painted this weekend. Compared to the ceiling, you wouldn't really know that we chose a colour for the walls as opposed to white! I swear. Hrm. It does look darker than I first thought though, so hopefully it'll all work out.

We just have to save up $3500 for our appliances, call for a trademan (yeh, right!) and attach our cabinets to the walls, install the benchtops etc etc. ARGH@! I get overwhelmed thinking about all the things to be done before I get a kitchen back - amusing, I typed bitchen - hrm!

This week, my old boss, soon to be my new boss, Phil begins his life at his new employment. It's all good and I am stoked. I'm looking forward to understanding everything and feeling more at home than I do. I can't wait. I have enthusiasm and excitement about going to work tomorrow :) It's great.

1 comment:

Incommunicado Maxs said...

"But you know, when I am out and about, daydreaming or even riding the scooter, I think of interesting blog entries. When I get home, and begin an entry, do you think I can remember what the hell I was going to write about?"

I can totally relate with that.