Tuesday 13 June 2006


Twas a busy day for me. Didn't get too much sleep last night on account of not realising the time last night and staying up waaaay later than I should have.

Went to the chiro this morning, cleaned out the car and washed it and got some vet products for the dog. Yay for me. Very exciting.

I sugar soaped the kitchen/dining room ceiling in readiness for our paintings tonight. The paint we bought yesterday looked a lot more 'coloured' than it does on the wall. It's meant to be a subtle, light colour to complement the cupboards in the kitchen, but when I put a layer of it on the wall today, it was as if I hadn't painted anything! Hrm! *laugh* Oh dear, doesn't matter.

Anyway, one more day of freedom until I start my new job. I'm both excited and a little trepidatious. I'm sure it will be fine, but the unknown is always scary. I am looking forward to the new challenge and the new bunch of people I'll be working with.

In other news. For the first time since I started riding my scooter, I haven't been able to wear the inside thermal layer of the jacket because I have been too fat. Tonight, I tried it on with the layer inside and it all fit :) Yay for me.

1 comment:

Di Gallagher said...

Yay for the thermal!