Wednesday 14 June 2006

Soapy goodness...

Today was my last day of freedom before I venture back into the working world tomorrow, starting my new job.

I was at a large supermarket/general supplies store today, buying my pretend socks (work stocking socks) and was standing in line at the counter waiting to be served. Usually, I nod off into lala-land and just daydream, but something struck me about the transaction occurring in front of me. The customer was a woman in her 30s with a squirmy toddler trying to disengage herself from her mother. The cashier was a middle/late aged woman with not-so great dyed hair and a little too much makeup. When the harried mother tried to hand the cashier her money, the cashier seemed to refuse to put her hand out to receive the money. This left the mother with only one option, which was to dump the money on the counter and wait for her change and goods. The cashier picked up the money and placed the mother's change on the counter again, with her receipt and goods.

This was a very odd scene for me. It's not the first time that I've seen people avoid contact with others when transactions have occurred. It's not even that weird to see the cashier put the change on the counter. But what was odd was that she looked like her goal was to avoid touching the mother, like she was a carrier of a rare form of debilitating disease, something which would instantly kill or maim her. The thing is, if you touch the money they try to hand you, arent you going to pick up their germs and everyone else's germs who have touched the money?

I just find it odd and a bit rude. Everything around us is tainted by disease. It's a fact of life.
For most of my life, I have come across people like this cashier who for whatever reason cannot marry up their phobias with their very much PUBLIC facing jobs.

Let's just say this, if you work as a cashier or whatever and have a phobia of such things, do yourself a favour - don't stick your hand in your mouth and lick it, don't wipe the offending hand across your face and dont touch anyone else with it.

And finally, remember the following: SOAP.

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