Sunday 25 June 2006

Settling In...

Oh Come on!, originally uploaded by Sams76.

Due to popular demand, I have got off my rear end and uploaded the remaining photos of Aella from Friday, Saturday and this morning. They are on my flickr page, so you shouldn't have too much issue locating them - see link to the right ------>

Anyyway, she is settling in nicely. Tilly and Zeus are very curious and sometimes you catch them playing with her. She sleeps on our bed, right up close to your face and purrs at you all night. The other morning I awoke to find a very sharp, teeny tiny claw up my nostril - suffice to say, she got her claws chopped yesterday!

She runs like the wind around the house and is a very odd eater. Makes these very primitive sounds like while eating, like she's saying, "Thank god for this food! I was bloody starving! This is sooooo good!". It's very odd. However, because Flickr is a bit backward and hasn't jumped on board the Utube revolution, I am not able to post it on flickr. So, if you wish for a copy, just email me or leave a comment and I'll be happy to send it to you. It's a very small file, of about 200kb at the most.

Ok! Must god. We've gotta put the cat enclosure together, have some lunch, do some washing and clean the house, not to mention continue putting the kitchen together!

Be good everyone :)

I'll post something more tonight, as I have a few topics in mind - yes, I shall remember them!

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