Thursday 2 February 2006


Newdoo, originally uploaded by Sams76.

In the spirit and tradition of 'newdoos', I am posting my latest hair update. I got it trimmed this afternoon and it's basically one length now, except for the front bit and some of the sides. It doesn't sound like it's really one length, but you know.

I've also posted another picture on flicker, which only family and friends can view. It's my first 'weigh-in' photo, so it also lists my current weight - not something I'm very proud of and not something I want to share with the entire world. However, it can only serve as an incentive to keep losing.

Currently, I have a headache, so it's time to relax, watch the latest Gilmore Girls and then retire to my most comfy bed. And yay verily yay, tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow will also be 3 weeks, or 21 days to go... ;)

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