Tuesday 14 February 2006

Losing my pants...

Ok, so I haven't lost my pants, but the way I am going, I will be walking along one day and I'll look down and my pants will be missing.

Today, I weighed in and it appears I have lost 600grams. This brings my grand total to 6kgs since January 5. That's about 6 weeks worth of weight loss. I feel pretty good about that, since more and more, I am noticing how bloody annoying it is to be wearing my work clothes. For starters, the waist on my pants is too big, so I can drag them over my hips without unbuttoning/unzipping them. I am definitely not enjoying the cuffs of my pants, dragging along the ground - even with shoes on!! It would appear that my hips were pulling up the pants and keeping my pant leg cuffs off the ground. Bah humbug!! The other catch is very simple - I have packed all my skinny clothes, so I haven't got a clue as to whether I can fit them now!!

Obviously it's Valentine's Day. I spent the day wondering whether I would be getting something. You see, I have the advantage/disadvantage of knowing what goes in and out of the bank accounts! So, I knew that the accounts were untouched. Anyway, I arrived home and low and behold, there was a dozen red roses. We had dinner tonight at our favourite restaurant and now we are home, digesting and feeling very full. A delightful V-Day well spent.

In other news, we have scheduled our walk through for the house for next Wednesday. The agent is such an asswipe, numnuts. He tried to defend the tenants, saying they were great tenants, like I gave a damn! Honestly, the tenants might have paid their rent on time and all that guff, but they held up our processes with the bank, with the building inspector and ultimately with our deposit. So, Mr Numnuts, fucktard, fool can eat dirt. He's so cad and full of himself, and he is so clueless.

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