Wednesday 22 February 2006

It's the final countdown...

It's getting a bit tense here, me thinks. Tomorrow afternoon, we're heading over to the house for our final inspection of the house. It seems rather surreal. We're ready for it. More than ready, baby!

This afternoon, we mowed the backyard. Glen's been cleaning out the back shed and has packed a few more boxes and run some more errands. I think he's a bit tense though and seems stressed, as if he's not doing as much as he would like. But we're on track, well loosely. I mean, I don't feel stressed about it, in fact I just want to get it over and done with.

So, it's all going to start steamrolling ahead tomorrow, so I'll probably be very quiet, but I may post some pictures on my flickr page, so keep an eye out.

Suffice to say, it's becoming harder and harder to concentrate on work when I am at work - I just want to be home preparing and daydreaming!!

Also, can you keep your thoughts with Snazzykat, whose facing a really heartbreaking challenge this week. What should be the happiest moment in her life - giving birth to her first baby, is turning into a nightmare. You see, little Sammy hass HLHS, which is Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Pretty much as soon as little Sammy is born, he will face an operation on his heart. HLHS is a life-threatening condition, so there is a chance he may not make it - but there's also a large chance he will bounce right through it, as he's proving to be a strong little man! Anyway, keep Erika and Jay in your thoughts

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