Monday 23 October 2006

Would you like some fries with your salt?

Firstly, let me recount this story to you. This afternoon, I skipped out on work by about an hour. I figured I was owed from the long hours produced last week and subsequent stress it caused me. So, I caught the train home (my new lot in life, since my wheels have gone to their new home) and then picked up the car at the station and drove to the supermarket. Standing in line, wishing I was standing in the Super Duper Express line, instead of the snails pace, I'm ageing as we speak line. When I finally got to the register, I started to unpack my stuff, giving it to the displeased service girl, as she went through the motions (and let me tell you, she looked like she'd have more fun passing a motion), when one of her colleagues walked over with what I can only describe as a turd-sized piece of sweet potato. She asked my motionless service chick whether the customer was allowed to cut a piece of the sweet potato off the whole piece and buy that. My chicky-dee didnt know the answer and advised her to speak to the manager, and rightly so! So, the other chick called for the manager of the fruit and vege department to come to the service desk. By this stage, customer was getting a little more than pissed about the situation and started giving her grief.

As I was leaving with my paid purchases, the last thing I heard come out of his mouth was "Havent you got better things to do than be petty?"

Irony is a bitch.


The weekend in review, mostly in order:
  • Went to the movies on Friday night and saw Children of Men - very good, very Orwellian.
  • Helped a friend whose car had died and drove her home
  • Went to the motorbike store to pick up a part for Glen's bike and take a test ride of my one true love - the Suzuki Burgman 400, only to arrive in pouring rain and realise it just wasn't going to happen
  • Ten minutes later, as we were leaving, the sun began shining. Just wasn't meant to be
  • Drove to inlaws place with Clio in the back. She slept the entire way
  • Spent a few hours at inlaws, Clio romped with Jake, the german shepherd. It was love
  • Came home and collapsed from exhaustion
  • Fed animals, microwave died
  • Cursed the microwave
  • Next day (Sunday), purchased a new funky microwave, kettle and toaster - had to buy in threes!
  • Toaster is faulty and going back next weekend. Grrr.
  • Mowed the lawn and did all good things related to housework.
  • Watched some TV
  • Went to bed, shortly thereafter freaked out by what can only be described as either a plane breaking the sound barrier nearby, or a very low flying 747 plane over the roof! Freaked out too much to sleep properly.
  • This morning discovered it was a 2.9 earth tremor in nearby Caulfield. Grrr. First earthquake related type event. Never want to relive.

Anyway, sorry for the crap update. Really tired and headachy. Need to relax without a PC in front of me. Talk more later.

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