Tuesday 10 October 2006

When all dignity has gone…

This morning, as I was getting ready to go to work, I saw Tilly, my oldest and most cat-like cat wandering into the laundry for her morning poop. Yes, she has a routine that I am all too familiar with. It includes having breakfast, which usually consists of some tasty cat milk, a small clean and nap, preceded by a morning poop and then a mad morning run around the house to celebrate her religious pooping experience.

This morning, it was slightly different. I was standing there eating my vegemite on multigrain toast, enjoying the peace and quiet, when I looked over to her in her litter box, doing her business and I thought to myself, “Geez, she must be really relieving herself!” Well, no I didn’t exactly think that, but it was a little more vulgar in nature, but you get the drift.

I walked over to her and asked her what she was doing – as you do and realised she hadn’t pooped anything, but was struggling to do number twos! She jumped out of the litter box, turned around to peer at what she hadn’t done and then ran out of the laundry into the kitchen. Upon arriving in the kitchen, she sat her butt down on the polished wood floor and dragged her arse across the room. However, if you know anything about polished wood floors, you know that they aren’t conducive to butt dragging exercises!

So, I did the only thing a mother would do. I grabbed a wad of paper towelling, had Glen hold her still on the floor and wiped her butt. However, she still had a large portion of her business stuck up her butt, so I had to remove the offending item. This occurred after much to-ing and fro-ing before it would ‘release’. You see, the dumb cat had been eating grass. Well, eating isn’t an accurate term, because if she ate the grass, it wouldn’t have been pulled from her butt holding all her poop together like a string of sausages!

To finish, Tilly ran away at high speed, leaving me to clean her business and mop the floor, and shortly after that, washing my hands thoroughly!

It was very reminiscent of the time a few years ago when she went through a very similar experience of number twos not coming out, by running around dragging her butt over the carpet – the CREAM carpet! I chased her around the house, pulling red cotton thread dotted with poop from her butt, which seemed to go on forever and ever. Yes, you read it correctly – ream and reams (no pun intended) of red cotton sewing thread, which she had eaten.

If that didn’t kill her, I should have! Honestly, the cat acts smart, but under that cat-like gaze, she’s as dumb as they come!

Obviously my leisurely morning breakfast was ruined and I am forever off vegemite!

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