Wednesday 11 October 2006

The end of an era

Scooter for Sale
Originally uploaded by Sams76.
Today was a pretty sad day for me. I took a sizable deposit for the purchase of my beloved scooter. The new owner was pretty in love with it, so I feel ok about letting it go home with her in a few days. You might scoff to hear me say ‘beloved’, as I’ve spent the last few months cursing the bloody thing. It’s starting to show its age and doesn’t get me out of those tight situations like I want it to. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s hauling my lard arse around constantly. Noooo!

Anyway, it’s all good. I’ll have to resign myself to the fact that I’ll be spending at least the next three months schlepping it with the rest of the commuting population and catching the stinky train. Might I add that the primary reason I bought the scooter back in 2004 was because I was sick of the trains, so I am certain that I’ll save ultra fast for a new one!

It’s pretty sad for me. The scoot represented a certain degree of freedom and confidence that I hadn’t had in years. I highly recommend the experience to anyone whose self worth and confidence are at rock bottom, or close to. It’s very liberating to pull on the throttle and hurtle along at break-neck speeds, with the breeze in your face and your tongue lolling around like a drug-induced Labrador in the back of the family car! You get about so much quicker than the rest of the commuting population and you pay an offensive small amount of money in fuel each week. It’s just sweet.

You do have to put up with morons on the road who believe you don’t deserve an entire lane to yourself, or that you aren’t travelling fast enough. And then there are the fools who like to tailgate and intimidate smaller scoots, such as mine. Which is exactly why I’m getting a kickass 400cc after Christmas. No one will mess with this biker chick!

The upside to train travel – not many, but the fact that you get to catch up on some good book reading, which I haven’t done in God knows when. And, listening to your Ipod with real headphones! Amazing concept. I won’t have to worry about changing out of stinky bike gear, messing up my perfectly coifed hair or sweltering under the helmet, jacket and gloves every summer! And mostly, I won’t have to bitch and moan about my numb or sore arse. Yes readers, you get a terribly numb bum from riding my scooter. Admittedly, it was not built for long distance commuting, but that metal bar under the rider’s seat is a real bitch. Highly unrecommended!

And most of all, I’ll miss that little hopeful face at the driveway gate every afternoon, with that knowing and expectant look on her little black face, as she hears me buzzing up the street on my little 150cc scoot. Clio has fabulous ears and can tell whether it’s me or Glen coming home and has already plonked herself in her usual position, waiting for us to appear up the driveway. I’ll miss that.

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