Wednesday 6 September 2006

What would be nice...

Is if I could get through two weeks without being sick, for no reason, thus having to take time off work, I would be a happy girl.

I woke up at 4.30am this morning with a huge migraine. This was despite taking two Mersyndol tablets the night before. By 6.30am, I realised I couldn't go to work, so left a message to say I needed more time to sleep it off. By 10.30am, I know I wasn't going anywhere.

I have slept all day, except to use to the toilet, heat my wheat pillow and have some lunch - lunch, which I brought back up later on in the day. Let me just say, tuna and corn pasta does not taste good second time around. Gah :( Having said that, when I vomitted, I slowly felt better, but honestly, do I have to constantly vomit to make myself better? It's so unpleasant.

There are things in my life I need to change. I feel this would help me feel better and avoid this type of crap. I've been neglecting my health and now I am suffering.

I'm not big on resolutions, or life changing memos to commit to, but these are the things I need to change:
  • Get back to the gym, which includes getting a personal trainer.
  • Stop eating so much crap, like chocolate and coke.
  • Get back into tennis - this is solved, as I'm starting back at tennis tomorrow evening.
  • Find my tennis racquet.
  • Get out at lunchtimes, go for a walk, get fresh air.
  • Drink more water.
  • Get 8 hours sleep - I've been crap at maintaining a normal bedtime. I know it sounds like I am 12 again and need structure, but that's exactly how it is.
  • Finally, get up earlier and walk the poor dog. She's what we've affectionately termed, Our Big Black Barrel.
Anyway, a boring entry, but I could give a rats.

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