Wednesday 27 September 2006

I kneed a hero...

For as long as I can remember, I've had a clicky right knee. It's just who I was, you know? Anyway, I had noticed a lot that it would get very swollen, bruised and sore after tennis and it has been taking a long time to heal. Anyway, I have begun seeing a personal trainer and he noticed that I wasn't pulling up from training as best I could. He recommended I see a specialist about my knee, which I did on Friday.

The conversation kinda went like this:
Doc: "You've got fatty knees, so I probably won't be able to make an accurate diagnosis."
Me: "Thanks for making me feel <> this big!"
Doc: "Take your jeans off so I can feel your fatty knees".
Me: "No problem. Do you want me to bend over too and take it for the team?"
Doc: "You have wobbly knee caps and they are unusually small"
Me: "Great. So I have teenager knee caps!"
Doc: "Have you dislocated them a lot? I imagine you would have?!"
Me: "What? No! Don't touch them then!" as doctor reefs my knees to and fro.
Doc: "I'll try not to dislocate them" (in an uncertain tone)
Me: "Don't touch my knees!"
Doc: "Ok!"

The crux of it, is this:

I have dodgy, wobbly knees. They are too small, don't sit properly in their allotted place. They dislocate easily - in hindsight, I've often dislocated them without realising it was dislocating. I hyper-extend my knees, which I knew, but this places extra pressure on the ligaments around my knee cap. I am overweight, which obviously puts pressure on my knees. If I don't do something about it, I'm a candidate for knee replacement or whatever it is they do.

It's a bit scary and ever since, I have been accutely aware of them dislocating - they do it a lot. I've also told my mother about it and discovered that I have inherited it from her and in turn, she learnt what her knees were doing when they felt uncomfortable and she had to click them into place.

I kinda feel like a walking disaster. Honestly, I sound like a freaken hyperchondriac when I list off my ailments. It shits me.

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