Wednesday 27 September 2006

Bah Humbug...

Sorry for the lack of posting. I've either been busy or sick, or both. The weekend has kinda come and gone, and am pleased to say that Glen and I got a lot done around the place.

We had a curbside collection this week, so got into the garage and cleared out all the junk. We filled the curb with kitchen cupboard doors, bits of crap wood, some old exercise equipment, dodgy suitcases and various other crap. It was very cleansing and what resulted was a garage which no longer barely fit two motorbikes in it but can also fit a car in it, with ease.

On a completely unrelated topic. Melbourne had gale-force winds last week and over the weekend. Whilst out driving, our car was hit by a random rubber tyre (yeh, wtf?) and then a poor galah, battling to maintain control of his flight path, smashed straight into the side of our car. It was terrible. The poor thing died instantly.

Sprinkled through my weekend and the last few days have been the odd migraine, sore back and cracking floor boards. Yes, floor boards - they are cracking - big fat cracks right through them. Very unsettling, but am told it's fairly benign.

Anyway, this is a boring post. Sorry to click the publish button, but it saves discarding it. Bah humbug.

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