Saturday 12 November 2005

On the road again...

Glen and I began our new existence today - living in our car. We're back out on the road again, looking at houses and trying to find one which is cheap enough for us to afford, yet clean and in good enough condition to warrant the money we spend on it.

We found a couple of houses we liked - one is going to auction and possibly going too high for us to afford, but we've decided to go just in case. The other was slightly higher too, but we found out today that they dropped the price by $10K, which is about $9K over what we can afford. Fingers crossed.

I have to say, I am going to lose my cool if we can't find a place soon. I know, we only officially started today, but honestly, it's so heartbreaking sometimes to go from one house to the other and discover that what your money can afford, is shit!

Tomorrow night, we organise our preapproval. I'm hoping it goes smoothly, so that we can be up and running next weekend. Ideally, we'd like to put an offer in on one of the houses we saw today.

I tell ya, people can get a bit catty when there is competition for the house they consider to already be theirs!! *laugh* I was like tha today too, because there were about 7 other people moving through one of the houses. Although, by the time we got through the house and other the other side, we kinda weren't that interested.

So, I guess this is our life for the next month or more. I sincerely hope it takes less time than that. I have to be realistic, but you know, one can't help but dream. It's just an series of ups and downs. I hate seeing a house which looks promising, but has a sloped/holey roof, or bad neighbours, or crusty kitchens, or holey carpets. There's always something that drags it down and yeh sure, we'll accept some dreariness, but sometimes you feel like you'd be wasting your money.

Anyway, in other news. We just came off a hugely busy week at work, lots of long hours. Thank god it is over, but I have to say, we're back at it on Monday - it'll be deadlines all over again until mid December. It's a bit daunting, but I guess it just makes the time go faster. Plus, I have to juggle the house hunting stuff.

Sorry there's no insightful, deep entries this time. i dont think I have it in me. I've been writing all week, proofing and now, house hunting. I suppose I'm just exhausted. I just wanted everyone to know I wasnt dead and I am around somewhere. If I have something to say, I'll be around :)

Finally, before I go, let me ask, Has anyone been watching 30 Days on TV? I have to say, I'm quite impressed. Thought provoking. Just finished watching a straight laced, country christian boy who spent 30 days with a gay guy from the Castro in San Francisco. I have to say, the feel of the Castro made me want to live there. It just had that feel about it.

Anyway, time to play with my ipod - I am overhauling the bastard thing, it's been a nightmare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this round of house hunting! I hope you find something you love quickly!

Margie (Buzz-a-Roni)