Wednesday 26 October 2005

My tests came back...


It's unanimous. I'm just a fat lazy slob! Hrm. I can't say that I am that surprised, but I'm a little disappointed that it really is just me being a fat, lazy, unmotivated slob. Now, I'm the only one responsible for what I have and do become. So, I just have to focus on being better to myself.

Anyway, I'm not going to focus too much on it. There's no point.

In other news. I've just come back from watching Frasier at my market research session. Odd, right? It was a brain waves register thingy. They hooked us up with a head cap thing and had a flashy white light thing happening in my peripheral vision. They made it seem really minor, but I tell ya, after 25 minutes of that junk, my eyes and head were so tired! Plus, in the middle of the episode, they showed us a series of ads by different advertisers. I swear, it was seriously boring and dull after 4 showings of the same garbage! Urgh!

Now, I eat dinner and relax.

1 comment:

Di Gallagher said...

I dunno. At least you can do something about normal. My sis in law has hypothyroidism and the meds just make her fatter.